Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Angel's Pennies

While taking my morning walk, I observed a penny on the concrete walkway. I thought about bypassing the penny, but then returned and picked it up, for we never know how valuable that one penny might turn out to be. The penny incident reminded me of the following poem, written by an unknown author (source):

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“But The Lamp Of The Wicked Goes Out”

On brother Jeremy Sprouse’s blog this morning, I thought he did an outstanding job in his analysis of Proverbs 13:9 NASB, comparing the temporary pleasures of the wicked versus the lasting joy of the righteous: A Proverb for the Day Especially note the latter portion of the above proverb:

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My Reflections On 2011 And 2012

My Reflections on 2011: As I reflect on the events of 2011 in my life, my mind would have never thought that I would ever have to put my wife (Nancy) in a nursing care facility or that she and my son (Brian) would be involved in a severe auto accident (thankfully, both have since […]

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Let's Delve In 2012!

When we delve into something, we usually “inquire or research deeply or intensively (for information, etc); as “he delved in the Bible for quotations” (source – scroll down to World English Dictionary definition). With the above definition in mind, let’s delve in 2012!

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What Are We Doing With Our One Talent?

God has provided each individual with at least one talent to share with the world (Matthew 25:15). If we only have one talent, what are we doing with that talent? Are we burying it? (Matthew 25:18), or are we developing that talent to it’s maximum potential?

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Handling The Problems That Come Our Way

It should not surprise us when problems come our way, for these are just a part of life. I recently emailed a close friend, who is having difficulty in finding a suitable job for his talents, and told him, “Yes, life is always full of decisions, isn’t it? Very little peace and tranquility down here […]

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Learning From The Moral Failures Of Others

Here in El Paso, it has become almost commonplace to hear of the misconduct of a respected public official, to the point where we are no longer surprised. But how should we respond to the news of a moral failure, whether by a prominent person or a friend?

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What Has America Become?

The following above titled letter, was written by Ken Huber of Tawas City, Michigan (see map). It contains a series of comparisons and contrasts which causes one to think about the double-standards and conditions under which we now live here in America:

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Maintaining Our Spiritual Balance In The New Year

It is said that the great physicist, Albert Einstein, once gave the following piece of wisdom to his son: “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” The wisdom that Einstein passed on to his son, is wise and practical for us as well.

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The Hope That Sustains

Life is full of challenges that we must sooner or later face. The storms that oftentimes rage about us, come at us for a reason (Romans 8:28,35-39). Note that in making a finished wood product, sandpaper is used in order to sand down the rough surface, making it smooth for varnishing. Trials and tribulations are […]

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The Challenge Of Being Children Of God

When we become a Christian, there is a spiritual birth that must take place which identifies us as being children of God (John 3:5). Because of our being God’s children, we can now call upon God as our Father (Gal. 4:6).

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The Elusiveness Of Humility

After all of the presidential debates that have recently taken place among the hopefuls, this writer has observed that there are few among the candidates that seem to display any real humility.

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“The Man At The Top Of The Stairs”

In the October-December 2011 issue of the Magnolia Messenger, pg. 17, is a tribute to brother Ray Gilbert, who recently passed on to be with the Lord (also see article from the Oct/Dec., 2010 issue, pg. 14). Brother Gilbert was a faithful member of the South Huntington congregation in Kosciusko, Mississippi, and at 88 years […]

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A New Start For A New Year …. Looking Ahead

Yes….I think perhaps I will do better this time around. I have learned from my past mistakes and surely I won’t repeat the same ones again! Right?

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It Bears Repeating — Are We Asking Too Much?

The following above entitled article was written by sister Joy Jensen, who along her missionary husband, George, live in Iringa, Tanzania (see map). Joy asks this question: “Are we, as parents, asking too much, regarding standards we expect for the future mates of our children?“

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Jesus, The Great Gatherer

Jesus declares Himself to be the great Gatherer. He came first to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. He came to His own and His own received Him not, and He said:

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A Brief Reminder To All Nations

In Psalm 117, we find the following words recorded: “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles! Laud Him, all you peoples! For His merciful kindness [love] is great toward us, and the truth of the Lord [faithfulness] endures forever. Praise the Lord!”

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Back To The Original Church

The church of the first century as established by Christ through His apostles, was not a denomination, but simply and purely the church and spiritual body of Christ upon the earth. On this, most all will agree. But on the necessity of returning to that status, and on the means of doing this, few will […]

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Working To Acquire More? We'll Never Acquire Enough

The story is told of a rich industrialist who was disturbed to find a fisherman reclining lazily on the deck of his boat. “Why aren’t you out there fishing?” he asked. “Because I’ve caught enough fish for today,” said the fisherman.

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The Holiday Blues

It’s that time of year again — crowds of the Yule shoppers invade the mall, family and friends gather, logs cracking in the fireplace, pumpkin pie, warm sugar cookies, and brightly wrapped packages tied up with curly ribbons. For many folks, this kind of holiday is pure fantasy, because of the difficult economic times we […]

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