Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

The Church Before Pentecost – In Preparation (4)

1) The work of John the Baptist – John’s work was to herald the approach of the kingdom of heaven, the church (Matthew 3:1-2). John was the messenger to prepare the way before the Lord (Malachi 3:1); the Elijah who was to appear before the “great and terrible day of Jehovah come” (Malachi 4:5); the […]

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The Church Before Pentecost – In Prophecy (3)

7) Prophecies implying establishment of the church – There are a number of prophecies concerning the Messiah, heaven’s King, which, though there is no actual mention of the kingdom, necessarily imply the existence of a kingdom over which the King rules. Let us note Psalm 2:1,2,6. The apostles used this Psalm as referring to Christ […]

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Neglecting God | Consequences Of Neglect

Neglecting God – Mike Riley explains the definition and consequences and cost of neglect.

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Brotherly Love Will Cause Us To…

1) Rejoice with them that rejoice, weep with them that weep – Romans 12:15. 2) Prefer one another – Romans 12:10; 1 Corinthians 10:33. 3) Forgive one another – Colossians 3:13-14. 4) Bear one another’s burdens – Gal. 6:1,2. 5) Take care not to offend – 1 Corinthians 10:32-33. 6) Restore one another in the […]

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Making “Today” Your Own!

How do you spend the blessed currency of time? Do you have a “pocketful” of day or have you “spent” your day already? “Today” is the most important time for each one of us because it is all we have been given! We are not promised next year, next month, next week, or even tomorrow. […]

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“Sine Qua Non” – The Indispensable Christ

Latin is a dead language as linguists view things, meaning that it is obsolete and no longer in active functional use. That doesn’t prevent us, however, from importing words and expressions from Latin into modern English vernacular, when those words and expressions help us say things in a more effective way. Take the Latin phrase […]

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“Tongue Control”

The idea of gun control is one of the most discussed issues in our nation. Gun control, however, is not a new issue as it has been discussed since guns have come into existence. The reason this is a “hot” issue today is because of the tragic events that have occurred in some of our […]

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Refuting The False TULIP Doctrine

It is impossible to be consistent when one holds doctrinal error. A long time ago men started believing that the human soul was corrupt at birth. As a result of this false belief, these men had to develop a whole system of theology in order to attempt to be consistent. In order to make this […]

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How To Change People

The mission of the church is to change the minds of people. Our object should never be that of just winning an argument or making a point. Our goal should never be just to “put down” someone; rather, we want them to change their minds and their lives to conform with the saving gospel of […]

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“Book, Chapter, And Verse”

In the last few years, an increasingly popular sentiment has arisen in the Lord’s church which maintains that the explicit citation of Bible book, chapter, and verse in pulpit proclamation (or in Bible class teaching) is somehow unsophisticated, ineffective, or inappropriate. With this emerging mentality has come a dramatic reduction in both the amount of […]

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What’s Not In Ephesians 6:4

There are three entities that are not found as a part of the discipline and teaching instructions in Ephesians 6:4: 1) The State Is Not In Ephesians 6:4 Educational institutions cannot be counted on, especially for moral teaching. In fact, you had better be watchful because some schools may even promote the exact opposite of […]

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Examples From The Old Testament

For many, the Old Testament is the “boring” part of the Bible. Their reasoning is that it contains little in the way of instruction for the Christian, certainly not like the more practical epistles in the New Testament. But in one of those epistles, the apostle Paul says, “For whatever was written in earlier times […]

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Please Have Me Excused!

Dear Preacher, You often stress attendance at worship as important. But I think a fellow has a right to miss now and then. Please have me excused for the following reasons: Christmas – (It comes only once a year!) – 1 New Years – (I need to start off rested) – 1 July 4th – […]

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I’ve Learned…..

In all my years as a Christian, I’ve learned the following: 1) That you can do or say something in an instant that will give you heartache for life. 2) That it’s taking me a long time to become the person God wants me to be. 3) That you should always leave loved ones with […]

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If Christianity Were All Up To You….

If Christianity were all up to you, how strong would the church of the Lord be? What would be her reputation and influence in the community and the world? How much would she know of the Bible, and how ready would she be to teach the lost? How united and trouble-free would the church be […]

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Struggles Of The Christian

The following is a story of nature demonstrating the fact that struggles are a necessary part of growth and development for the Christian in this life. God places these struggles (or trials) before us to prepare us for that perfect home in heaven with Him. The Man And The Cocoon One day a small opening […]

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Bank Account For One Day

The following thoughts are from a selected short article in the Sword and Staff publication, Vol. 42, 2004. The message it presents should be of utmost importance to us as we teach and preach the saving gospel of Christ to others. Imagine there is a bank that credits your account each morning with $86,400. It […]

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ABC’s Of Christianity

The following is a list of the “ABC’s” of Christianity. If we will faithfully incorporate the practical thoughts presented in this list into our daily lives, we will see dramatic results in our Christian walk. “A”sk — Matthew 7:7 “B”lessed — Matthew 5:6 “C”ome — Matthew 25:34 “D”epart — Psalm 34:14 “E”vil — 1 Corinthians […]

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Problems In Marriage

One of the most wonderful things God does is join two people in marriage. But not everyone’s marriage is so wonderful! There are problems in marriage! Sometimes devastating, seemingly unbearable problems! If we do not deal with our problems, they will destroy our marriage. Selfishness Jesus helps us with the problem of selfishness (Luke 9:23). […]

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The Troublemaker

You will recall in 1 Kings 17:1, “Elijah the Tishbite, who was of the sojourners of Gilead, said unto Ahab, “As Jehovah, the God of Israel, liveth, before whom I stand, there shall not be dew nor rain these years, but according to my word.” Elijah, God’s spokesman, informed Ahab that because of his great […]

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