“It Is Written”
In the confrontation between the Lord and the devil (Matthew 4:1-11-NKJV), it is interesting to observe the devil as the master of deception. See how he uses the simple
In the confrontation between the Lord and the devil (Matthew 4:1-11-NKJV), it is interesting to observe the devil as the master of deception. See how he uses the simple
The following article by Brother Ken Joines, retired preacher living in Southaven, Mississippi, is reproduced in its entirety
World Magazine writer, Andrée Seu, has written an article with the heading, “What’s in a Name?” In her article, she points out that putting labels on religious entities is confusing to the average man on the street.
From today’s Montana Street bulletin, comes the following selected article (author not mentioned): Without a doubt, one of the most used expressions is, “I intended to do that.” In most of our lives, we find that many, if not a majority of our resolutions become simply “good intentions.”
From the AP writers in Talca, Chile (see map), comes the sad news of the devastation in Chile brought about by an earthquake of an 8.8 magnitude.
Readers of the classic comic strip Peanuts, will recall Snoopy’s innumerable attempts to write a novel — which
From Christian Post writer Lillian Kwon, comes this article headline: “Southern Baptists Called to Repent, Grip Reality of ’Lostness.’”
Over the past two generations, there have been many books written regarding “the” antichrist in order to generate the sale of books for various authors. However, a “specific” person designated as “the” antichrist, is foreign to New Testament writers.
In 2002 at the age of 86, Horace Lee Logan passed away. For those folks who are not country music fans, Mr. Logan was a popular disc jockey in the 1940’s and 50’s, who hosted a
What are we motivated by? What motivates us to do what we do? Looking in the online etymology dictionary, we note that the term “motivate” means, “to stimulate toward action.” An online dictionary defines the term as, “to provide with a motive or motives; incite; impel.”
This writer recalls that forty to sixty years ago, some of the pioneer preachers in America preached “hell fire and brimstone” sermons. They could so graphically portray the fire of hell, that some folks in
In a CNN report dated September 21, 2005, a publishing company in Great Britain released a book entitled, “The 100-Minute Bible.” According to its author, Michael Hinton, the 100-Minute Bible
In our post-modern world, “tolerance” is the one virtue that is esteemed above all others. It may soon become the only virtue our society will accept. Traditional virtues such as humility, chastity and temperance have long fallen out of
There are those in the religious world who show great disdain for pattern theology. However, when we look up the word “pattern” in the New King James version of the Bible, we see the word mentioned thirteen times, it‘s meaning determined by the context.
What a difference the presence of Christ makes in our lives and everyday living! For example, when He passes by, a blind man sees (Mark 10:46-52). When He stops in a city, a seeking sinner finds a much needed Savior (Luke 19:1-10). When He enters a boat threatened by a storm, it safely docks (Matthew […]
A querist asks, “There are people who believe that when we die, we become non-existent, like the animal. Is this true?”
The following daily Christian chore schedule and related prayer from an unknown author, is designed to motivate us to greater service in doing the Lord’s will:
Since growing up on a farm years ago, this writer has tried to maintain an attitude of “simplicity” toward life and it’s problems. I’m reminded of a news story about a woman in Edmonton, Alberta,
Today, there are baby boomers who purchase old automobiles similar to the ones they once owned and loved back in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, and restore them.
In close proximity to President John F. Kennedy’s gravesite, is an eternal flame — one of several eternal flames seen at various locations around the world. The only thing wrong