A Benefit Of Adversity
When adversity comes our way, in whatever form, our tendency is to immediately blame God for our misfortune.
When adversity comes our way, in whatever form, our tendency is to immediately blame God for our misfortune.
Today’s Montana Street bulletin article, by Brother Joe Goodspeed, emphasizes the necessity of personal preparation in every area of our life, especially in the area
There are certain activities that the Bible does not specifically address. For example, what kind of movies and
This soul-searching question was recently posed in “The Fellowship Room” — a room where fellow Christians of like faith and mind can come to discuss the events, problems and issues of life.
Brother Neil Richey, preacher for the Piedmont Road congregation in Marietta, Georgia, unknowingly provided me with this subject idea from a comment he recently made on Facebook. Do you know that God has given each one of us a “T.A.D.?” “What in the world is a T.A.D,” you ask? God has given each one of […]
Dear Blog Readers: In addition to recently adding a list of Christian bookstores to my Bible article blog (located on the right-hand side of my
The teaching of many denominations, that an individual can be saved simply by “believing” [God does all the work of saving man]
In my fifty-plus years as a Christian, this writer has rarely heard anyone preach on the subject of eternity, nor have I read many bulletin articles on the subject. The reason being, is that the human finite mind just can’t conceive of an existence that lasts forever — with no end, and no beginning.
In Exodus 7-12, we see the efforts of God through Moses attempting to persuade Pharaoh to release the children of Israel from bondage. Through a series of plagues, we see Pharaoh’s heart becoming more and more resistant — the plagues of blood, frogs and lice not moving him. But when the flies came, Pharaoh offered […]
A querist asks, “When preachers withhold plain Bible teaching regarding a sinful practice that exists in a congregation so they won’t “rock the boat,” is this a sinful practice?”
As Jesus sat in the temple near the treasury, He watched the people walk by and deposit their gifts (Mark 12-41-44; Luke 21:1-4), especially noticing the rich who were giving. He then observed a poor woman throwing in two “mites.”
A querist asks, “Why is there evil in the world, and why do people do evil things?” Evil exists today due to the choices that we make (James 1:13-15). God has given man the power of choice as a free moral agent. The Bible teaches that all men have the ability to choose between right […]
Over the years, this writer has been privileged to have been around people who have been blessed with a cheerful disposition. They are positive folks who always seem to be happy. Every day, they wear a perpetual smile, almost as if they were advertising toothpaste!
A querist asks, “Did Jephthah really offer his daughter as a burnt sacrifice? I’ve heard ‘yes’ and ‘no’ from different preachers and have always wondered if he did.”
Today, fellow Christians in “The Fellowship Room” have been discussing some disturbing “trends” presently occurring in the brotherhood.
The story is told of a wealthy man who felt his son needed to learn gratefulness, so he sent him to stay with a poor
As people, we sometimes have funny concepts about growing old. We don’t want to become old, but neither do we want to die young. Douglas MacArthur is quoted as saying, “Nobody grows old by merely living a number of years. People grow old only by deserting their ideals.”
The sad end of the earthly throne of the house of David was accomplished by the siege and fall of Jerusalem to
There’s a poem by an unknown author entitled, “Where God Ain’t.” It talks about a little boy coming home from Bible class, observing a caterpillar, a milk-weed pod, and a bird’s nest. When asked by a neighbor how his day had been, the boy related his observations. The neighbor tells
A preacher was once heard to say, “If you can do anything besides preach then don’t preach.” James is stressing the same idea with regard to teachers in James 3:1. Unless you