Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Proverbially Speaking

From the 2009, volume 47, number 2 edition of The Sword and Staff publication, pg. 2, comes the following proverbs of wisdom (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):

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Do We Have An “I” Problem?

In the parable of the rich man (Luke 12:16-19), we see that the rich man had a definite “I” problem. Notice in this text that the personal pronoun “I” is repeated six times, indicating an attitude of selfishness

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The Conversion Story Of The Eunuch

My favorite recorded conversion story in the New Testament is that of the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:26-40. The following are seven observations regarding this text:

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The Trial Of Jesus — A Perversion Of Justice

There’s no question that the trial of Jesus was a perversion of justice. Our Lord endured false accusations and trumped up charges by false witnesses who perverted the truth (Matthew 26:57-63; Mark 14:53-65;

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Why Affliction Comes

The following quote by Henry Ward Beecher, comes from a delightful website entitled, “Living Life Fully.” The purpose of the site is dedicated to presenting the wisdom that’s specifically focused on

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“Looking Unto Jesus”

One of the most compelling phrases in the book of Hebrews is found in Hebrews 12:2: “Looking unto Jesus.” The New American Standard Bible renders this phrase, “Fixing our eyes on Jesus“ (Hebrews 12:2 NASB).

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Repeat, Repeat, And Repeat

The Bible is full of repetitive phrases and terms, in order to emphasize the importance of our adhering to a principle or teaching. For example, in his letter to the Galation brethren, Paul repeats the same exhortation in just two verses, “not” to adhere to any

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The Many Facets Of Hearing

There are many facets of hearing, for the wise man Solomon once noted, “The ear that listens to life-giving reproof will abide among the wise” (Proverbs 15:31 ESV), and Jesus tells us to “Consider carefully what you hear” (Mark 4:24 NIV).

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What One Member Can Do

To give my readers an idea of how many people on the Internet one member of the Lord’s church can influence — since January 1, 2009 until today, October 22, 2010, my article blog tracker tells me that

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Ten Memory Verses

The following are ten important verses that every Christian should commit to memory in order to be better and  more productive servants in God’s kingdom:

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Having Confidence On Judgment Day

The question is asked, “Where is our confidence in the day of judgment?” (1 John 4:17). If we pattern our lives after Christ (1 John 2:3-6), we will have confidence in the day of judgment. The previous

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Thoughts For Today

Thoughts for today comes from an unknown author who emphasizes the word “watch” and note the progression from “thoughts” to “character.”

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Proverbially Speaking

From the 2009, volume 47, number 1 edition of The Sword and Staff Publication, pg. 2, comes the following proverbs of wisdom (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):

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Proverbially Speaking

From the 2006, volume 44, number 1 edition of The Sword and Staff Publication, pg. 2, comes the following proverbs of wisdom (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):

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Demonstrating The Agape Love Of God

It’s interesting to note that the Greek term “agape,” draws its meaning directly from the revelation of God — the Bible. It is not a form of natural affection, but rather a fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22). John tells us that God is the very essence of agape love (1 John 4:8,16; cf. John […]

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Proverbially Speaking

In the 2009, volume 47, number 4 edition of The Sword and Staff publication, comes the following proverbs of wisdom (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):

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Great Preachers Of The Past

This writer has always enjoyed reading the biographies of the famous and not-so-famous folks who have passed from this life, because the influence of their lives still effect someone now living (Hebrews 11:4).

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Proverbially Speaking

From the 2008, volume 46, number 4 edition of The Sword and Staff Publication, pg. 2, comes the following proverbs of wisdom (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):

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“Be Thou My Vision”

One of my favorite hymns is the beautiful “Be Thou My Vision” (source). It is a hymn derived from an 8th century Irish folk song. It expresses a desire for God’s hand in our lives and a longing tobe in His presence. The first words are credited to Dallan Forgaill in a work entitled, Rob tu […]

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Beer At Burger King

The following article was written by Brother Wade Webster, preacher for the Southaven, Mississippi congregation. In the article, Brother Webster expresses his concern for the future of America, and we should

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