Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

We Will “Come Forth”

When my beloved mother passed from this life, almost two years ago, my father, brothers and I attended the graveside services. My brother assigned me the task of giving the eulogy.

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Top Ten Spiritual Predictions For 2011

The top ten spiritual predictions for 2011 are: 1) The Bible will still have the answers to every problem in life (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 1 Peter 3:15; 2 Peter 1:3).

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Let's Put The “Thanks” Back In Thanksgiving

The following thoughts are from the Bulletin Digest and were in a recent Montana Street bulletin: The inspired writers of the New Testament have consistently pointed us toward the expression of thanks. Paul goes so far as to tell the saints at Thessalonica to “give thanks in all circumstances” (1 Thessalonians 5:18).

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On Man Taming The Tongue

As James states, “no man” can tame the tongue (James 3:8) in and of himself, but God can, “if” we allow Him to do so. How?

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What True Freedom Is

More and more, we are seeing and hearing the actors and actresses on daily television soap operas, using vulgar language in describing in sickening detail their immoral activities. Seemingly, these folks who shamelessly discuss their sins in public, obviously think of themselves as “liberated” because they dare to flaunt their immorality before a gullible public […]

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Following The Master Builder's Plan

The construction project we see recorded in Matthew 7:24-29, applies to the lifelong process of building godly character. There are more detailed instructions provided in the Sermon on the Mount

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Only A Single Spark

The story is told of a young man who was one day driving an old worn-out car on a desolate road in a downpour. All of a sudden, the engine died. As he coasted to the side of the road, a car happened to

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More Inspirational Quotes

This evening, I received the link to SimpleTruths.com from a Christian friend. Scroll down to the middle of the page (on the right-hand-side), and you will see the Zig Ziglar video entitled, “Inspiration 365 Days A Year.”

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The Bleakest Bible Passage

In The Fellowship Room this morning, the Fellows were asked to consider the bleakest, darkest, most despairing passage of Scripture in the Bible and why.

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A Look At Restoration History

This writer has always been interested in history, whether World History, United States History, or Texas History, because it allows us to compare our present-day society with

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The Clock Of Life

An anonymous writer once wrote the following regarding the length of our days here on earth: The clock of life is wound but once, And no man has the power To tell just when the hands will stop, At late or early hour.

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Doing What We Can

As Mary “did what she could” in anointing the body of Jesus (Mark 14:1-9; cf. John 11:2; John 12:3), so each of us must “do what we can” in serving the Lord. Our efforts may not seem significant, but God sees them, and can use them for His glory (Isaiah 43:7; Matthew 5:16). The story […]

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Are We Bored?

Have we ever complained about having the same kind of food, or wearing the same style clothes day after day? Many of our recurring complaints focus not on what we don’t have, but on what

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No Self-Sufficiency Needed

The story is told of a self-made millionaire who once attended a banquet, sitting next to a table where some attendees were discussing the subject of prayer.

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His Precious And Exceedingly Great Promises

From today’s Montana Street bulletin, comes the following article by Brother Joe Goodspeed, retired preacher for the Longmire congregation in Conroe, Texas.

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In The Early Morning

In the early morning, With the sun’s first rays. All God’s little children

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Observations Of The “ME” Generation

When I went to our local grocery store this afternoon to pick up a few groceries, I noticed a young teenage girl coming out of the store wearing a t-shirt monogrammed with the word “ME” in large letters

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Let's Take Time To Offer A Word Of Thanks

The story is told of a young boy who was one day visiting his friend’s house for lunch. When the youngster sat down at the table, he bowed his head and waited for someone to give thanks for the meal.

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Moving Beyond Our Comfort Zone

In Acts 8:1, the writer Luke makes a notable statement, when he writes that the church was “scattered throughout ….. Samaria.” Prior to this time, Christians lived in the familiar surroundings of

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One Soul At A Time

Many times as Christians, we have somehow succumbed to the false idea that we don’t count for much. But that certainly isn’t supported by what we read in the Gospels regarding Jesus’ ministry.

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