Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

The Certainty Of Death And Our Preparation For It

The story is told of a man who decided to move to a warmer climate because of poor health. Wanting to make sure he would choose the area best suited to his needs, he visited several Western State locations.

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Our Children Are Our Legacy

American humorist, newspaper columnist, and bestselling author Erma Bombeck, had a writing career that spanned three decades. From the mid-1960’s through the mid-1990’s, she wrote several books and received fifteen honorary doctorate degrees.

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Bible Reading Schedules For 2011

Since today is the beginning of the New Year – 2011, I thought I would post some Bible reading schedules that hopefully will fit into our daily schedules.

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Let's Do Great Things For The Lord In 2011!

The beginning of a New Year is always a time of reflection, introspection, and careful consideration of the past— and planning for the future. Such times find this writer drawn to the words found in the book of Ecclesiastes, the greatest treatise on the human condition ever written.

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The One Who Never Slumbers Or Sleeps

The story is told of a summer camp counselor, who, after a long and tiring day of hiking, told the kids under his charge, “Let’s go to sleep and put our cares in God’s hands.” One of the kids said, “Might as well, He’s up all night anyway!”

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We're Never Too Old

Just because we find ourselves in our 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, or 80’s, doesn’t mean we’re “over the hill.“ Do we remember Grandma Moses? She was 100 years old and still producing scenic paintings (see video).

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We Can Win One Soul To Christ In 2011!

Experts who have studied the world’s population, have concluded that there were about 200 million people living during the lifetime of Jesus — the same amount of people who presently use the social networking website called Facebook. Now that’s a lot of people, but relatively speaking it is a fairly small number.

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“I Can Do All Things Through Christ”

During the holiday season, there are many people who are depressed and despondent over many things that have either happened in their past or over things that are presently happening to them. Unfortunately, many Christians find themselves in the same boat.

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Let's Keep Our Bible Oiled!

The story is told of a Bible salesman who was one day demonstrating a Bible to the lady of the house. After purchasing the Bible, the lady asked the following question: “How can I keep my Bible cover from causing cracks and breaks in the binding?”

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Money Still Talks!

As the above title suggests, money still talks — let’s listen to it speak! A well-to-do brother in Christ leaves his $500,000 house on Sunday morning, drives to the church building in his new Gallardo Lamborghini, brushes his $1,500.00 Gucci suit, and with a grand flourish, drops in his dollar bill into the collection plate, […]

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A Great Significance In God's Eyes!

In the farming community of Olton, Texas where I grew up as a young man, everyone knew everyone else by first name. A feeling of closeness was just one of the benefits of growing up in a small community.

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The Valley Of Vision

Lord, high and holy, meek and lowly, Thou hast brought me to the valley of vision, Where I live in the depths but see Thee in the heights; Hemmed in by mountains of sin I behold Thy glory.

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In 2011, Let’s Keep Eternity In Mind

During the dark days of World War II, as Adolf Hitler was tyrannizing Europe and herding millions of people into concentration camps, there was a widespread belief that the end of history had arrived.

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The Greatest Of Gifts

Twas the night before Christmas and as I looked round my tent, I couldn’t believe all the money I’d spent For trains and dolls, for trinkets and toys Some for the girls and some for the boys.

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Why Are There Four Gospel Accounts?

Have you ever wondered why there are four gospel accounts instead of just one? In this brief article, let us investigate the makeup of each gospel account, determining why each account is necessary.

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A Forgotten Ring

The story is told of a man, who before eating in his favorite restaurant, went to the bathroom to wash his hands. As he was about to dry his hands, he spotted what looked like an expensive gold wedding band on top of the towel dispenser. Some man had forgotten

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There Is A Perfect Refuge

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina’s devastation of the southern United States in August of 2005, displaced families and individuals were often referred to in the media as “refugees.”

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O Church, Shape Up! Stand Up! Speak Up!

A church once stood for truth and right; To have it preached was its delight; But things today are not the same; Alas! Has all gone down the drain?

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On Making Prejudgments

One of the major obstacles we have in our showing compassion to those in need, is making prejudgments about who we “think” is worthy of our compassion.

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Do We Want Justice Or Grace?

In his Forthright Magazine article today, Brother Michael Brooks brings out some important points regarding the parable of the laborers found in Matthew 20:1-16. The text describes how the landowner added new laborers throughout the day in addition to the ones he originally hired, then

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