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The Eldership: A Manifestation of Divine Wisdom

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines


A. The book of Ephesians has been called the “great church epistle”

1. It is a tremendous treatise relative to the church of Christ, and Paul affirms that the church is a manifestation of God’s wisdom.

2. Ephesians 3:10-11

3. Since the church is a manifestation of divine wisdom, then the specific aspects which compose the Lord’s church are also a demonstration of His wisdom.

B. The eldership is a display of divine wisdom.

1. The eldership is a part of that eternal plan that was in the mind of God concerning the church.

2. Understanding the divine wisdom in regard to the eldership will:

a. Enhance our understanding of the need for an eldership, and thus:

1) See the need to work to qualify

2) Teach others to qualify

b. Help us to esteem the eldership – to honor and respect them

c. Cause every elder to think more highly of his work, and to see the importance of fulfilling his responsibilities

1) They have a serious responsibility to watch for the souls of the flock

2) They have a serious responsibility to protect the church

C. It is a foregone conclusion that human wisdom did not originate the prudent concept of how the church was to be overseen

1. Man would have chosen something different

a. Popular vote

b. One man rule

2. It is significant that the initial departure that human wisdom practiced was a desertion from the divine blueprint concerning the eldership

3. Not long after the apostles died, men began to draw lines of distinction between elders

a. Man in their poor wisdom came up with:

1) Head elder

2) Elder over area heads

3) It eventually developed into a system having a pope

b. The pope is now called “Holy Father”

c. Matthew 23:8-12 … a clear condemnation of exalting titles

4. There is nothing further removed from New Testament truth, than the authoritative organization that is seen in the denominational world

a. No elders

b. Run by the preacher (“pastor”)

c. Run by a synod



1. The New Testament knows nothing of a one man rule for God’s church here on the earth.

a. This truth, of course, does not speak again the absolute authority of Christ

b. Ephesians 1:22-23

2. Notice that Jesus chose 12 apostles – not just 1

a. Many cannot see the other 11 because of the Primacy they confer on Peter

b. The Bible does not even hint at such a doctrine

c. There is not one shred of evidence that Peter was the first pope, as a matter of fact, all evidence points against such.

3. In every instance in the New Testament where elders are mentioned, it is always in the plural

a. Acts 14:23

b. Paul addresses the elders in Philippi – not the elder

c. Paul sought to meet with the elders in Ephesus – not the elder (Acts 20:17ff)

d. Such concepts as the elder, or the bishop, came years after the apostles had died.

e. There is not one scripture that authorizes having just one elder.

4. It is the eldership that has authority in the church, and not any one man apart from the others

a. It is only when an elder speaks with his fellow elders and all speak the truth of God that he has any authority

b. There is no authority in one elder apart from the others.

5. The wisdom in this is easily seen

a. The plurality of elders works as a check and balance system

b. One man may not see or realize something that another one does.

c. Sometimes, God’s leaders go astray, e.g. Acts 20:28-29


1. The Lord knew that a novice in the faith was not proper material out of which to compose an efficient eldership (1 Tim. 3:6).

a. When you have no elders, and the church is run by a general men’s business meeting – you have someone with little maturity as Christian with as much say as one who wise in the faith.

b. It is easy to see that a new convert would not be as wise in the scriptures and in the dealings of the church as one who is of the “hoary head” in the faith

2. Some churches have ignored this and upon receiving outstanding business or professional men into the church by conversion have placed them immediately into the eldership

3. A man needs maturity and spiritual growth before he is to be considered for this vital post of duty

a. Experience

b. Biblical knowledge

4. There are things which cannot be learned in youth

5. It is not accidental that our founding fathers of the U.S. made it constitutionally impossible for a teenager or a man in his twenties to be a senator or president.

6. Youth has many things going for them, but wisdom and experience is not one of them


1. The eldership is under the Chief Shepherd.

a. In a context speaking about elders … 1 Peter 5:4

b. Jesus is the “chief Shepherd” – to Him one day the elders will have to give account

2. Hebrews 13:17

a. Notice that the elders have rule or authority over us – this is taught in many other places in the New Testament as well

1) Acts 20:28 – “Bishops” (overseers – KJV) – which means to look out for, to see that things are accomplished

2) The elders are to “tend,” “feed” (KJV) or shepherd the flock – that’s authority

3) Acts 20:31 … “watch” – guard

4) The elder are over us or rule us (1 Thessalonians 5:12)

5) Elders are to admonish and see to it that other do the same (1 Thessalonians 5:12)

6) Elders are the “stewards of God” (Tit. 1:7)

b. According to Hebrews 13:17, the elders must stay solely with the word of God – and must have the courage to do so

c. In matter of opinion the elders do their best in choosing the best route for the congregation

d. The elders, the shepherds, watch for our souls – they try their best to try to protect us

e. We as members must be submissive to the elders, a failure to do so is sinning against God


1. Elders or Presbyters (Acts 12:23; 1 Tim. 4:14)

a. presbuteros

b. This term has reference to maturity and spiritual experience

2. Bishops or Overseers (Acts 20:28, Philippians 1:1)

a. episkopos

b. An overseers, a man in charge with making sure things are accomplished and preformed right, a guardian

3. Pastors or Shepherds (Ephesians 4:11; 1 Peter 5:2)

a. poimen

b. One who tends a flock, a shepherd

4. By understanding the meaning of all these words used in describing the eldership, we understand the wisdom in Godsetting forth these men to shepherd and oversee the Lord’s church.


A. We need to remember that the eldership is a manifestation of the divine wisdom of God.

B. As such, we must trust and obey – for there is no other way

C. Invitation