Some Common Misconceptions About Evangelism – Part 1
Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: Evangelism
When you hear the phrase, “Personal Evangelism” what do you think? It is an awesome and daunting responsibility to take the gospel to others. I have been involved in several efforts to get the word out. I have knocked doors and spoken to folks about the gospel. I don’t know everything about personal evangelism, but I have come to learn about several misconceptions.
Misconception number one: Most people hate to talk about the Bible. Some try to avoid it, but many are happy to have the discussion. Most of the time, the problem is that we are not comfortable talking about the Bible, and that makes others uncomfortable. Think of your favorite subject. What did you do to learn how to talk about it to someone else? Are you comfortable talking about it? Can you put the same attitude and effort into talking about the Bible? If we demonstrate that we are comfortable talking about the Bible, others will be too. “As He spoke these words, many believed in Him” (John 8:32).
Misconception number two: I just don’t know enough to talk to someone else about the Bible. The truth is: you know more than you think you do. The church of Christ emphasizes regular Bible study. Most others do not. The barrier is our own comfort level. We just need to start the conversation. “But what if I don’t know something?” There is nothing wrong with telling someone that you don’t know the answer. Tell them, “I will find out and get back to you later.” The church at Corinth had many questions. They wrote a letter to Paul to get them answered (1 Corinthians 1:11). Sometimes we need to get answers from someone who knows a little more about the Bible. This is OK and people will understand if we need to do this.
God bless you, and I love you.
Kevin Cauley