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Sin Is Crouching At Your Door | The Sin of Cain

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sin is crouching at your door

Sin is Crouching at Your Door — Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins applying the sin of Cain to the rebellion in each of our hearts.


TEXT:   GENESIS 4:1-16

THESIS: The purpose of this sermon is to note Cain’s negative example and to take warning from it.

INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 4:1-16.

1. Cain committed two horrible crimes.

1) He changed God’s worship to suit himself.

2) He killed his brother, Abel.

3) God’s descriptive warning springs to mind, “Sin is crouching at your door.”

2. Both of these crimes, that is, sins were crimes of self.

1) He wanted things his own way

2) God’s way was pushed aside.

3) His brother was pushed aside.

3. While the end of Cain’s sins may be the extreme his attitude is seen all too often today.

4. We need to learn from the sin of Cain lest we repeat it



A. This is the same as saying, “rebellion.”

1. When it came to relationship with God he had to be number one.

2. When it came to relationship with his brother he had to be number one.

B. Let’s state plainly the great, obvious, negative lessons from the text.

1. It is sin to put self before God.

2. It is sin to put self before one’s brother (neighbor).

C. Other examples in the Bible:

1. The case of Korah, Numbers 16.

2. The case of Saul, 1 Sam. 15.

3. The case of David, 2 Sam. 11.


A. Do you recognize the pattern of the Lord’s teaching in Matthew 22:36-40?

1. Love God with all your heart…

2. Love neighbor as self.

B. This teaching is far more ancient than the teachings of Jesus. It goes back to the very beginning.

1. It is the positive purpose of the account of Cain’s sin.

2. It is the positive purpose of the account of man’s condition before the flood.

3. It is the positive purpose of the account of Sodom and Gomorrah.

C. Jesus says all the law and prophets hang on these two commands.

D. Perhaps you thought it was a New Testament teaching.

1. Notice Lev. 19:18, 34

2. Deut. 6:5.

E. If Cain had loved God with all his heart he never would have made the offering he did.

F. If he had loved neighbor as self he never would’ve hated and killed his brother.


A. Cain’s rebellion manifested itself in his worship as it can for many of us.

1. It might begin with putting recreation before worship.

2. It might begin with the thoughts, “But I don’t get anything out of it!”

B. Loving God with one’s whole heart will manifest itself when we seek to know what pleases God and then to do it.

1. There is an implied love for Bible study there.

2. Where will we find innovations in worship if this attitude prevails?

3. Where will we find denominational names?

4. Where will we find “modern day prophecy?”

5. What would our attendance be like?

6. How many volunteers would there be?

7. What would our giving be like?

C. Cain’s rebellion manifested itself in his relationship with his brother as it can for many of us.

1. No one here may ever murder his brother to put self first. We have subtler ways.

a. We can smear his good name.

b. We can discourage him.

c. We can exclude him from fellowship.

d. We can ignore him when he is in need.

e. We can take advantage of his good nature.

f. We can have a laugh at his expense.

g. We can steal from him.

h. We can sleep with his wife.

i. We can lead him away from God.

2. There is no doubt that we can be just as sinful as Cain.

D. Loving neighbor as self will manifest itself when we treat others as we want to be treated.

1. We call it the Golden Rule. Matt. 7:12

a. It is the highest standard known to humans.

b. It is the only rule that will counter the sin of Cain upon his brother.

c. The so-called “silver rule” (do not do… etc.) might keep Abel from being dead but it will not counter the hate in Cain’s heart.

2. When we follow the Golden Rule and love neighbor as self where will be…

a. Stealing.

b. Lying.

c. Adultery.

d. Backbiting.

e. Even murder.

CONCLUSION: Remember the words, “Sin is crouching at your door.”

1. Many will think that this account of the sin of Cain will not apply to them because they have not gone to the extremes of Cain. This thought is folly.

2. Have you learned the lessons of loving God with all your heart? Will it show in your worship?

3. Have you learned the lessons of loving neighbor as self? Will it show in your relationships?

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