The Child Jesus in the Temple at Age Twelve

Introduction: Read Luke 2:46-47 1. At age twelve Jesus had the opportunity to visit Jerusalem and the Temple at Passover. 2. He took this opportunity to spend three days at the Temple hearing the teachers and asking questions. 3. The text reveals that his hearers were astonished, which may reveal the reason why Jesus was […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons Tags:

Blessed are They Which are Persecuted…

Introduction: Read Matt. 5:10 1. The world pities the persecuted Christian. 1) Certainly don’t count as blessed. 2) The blessed are those who tell lies for religion’s sake. Blessed with fame, money, power, Phil. 3:17-19; Phil. 2:21. 2. The lie had been told so often that the truth sound strange. Those who suffer for the […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines

“Judge Not That Ye Be Not Judged”

Sermon on Judge Not — Short sermon outline by G. E. Watkins on Jesus’ commandment to “Judge not that ye be not judged.”

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Topical Sermon Outlines

Blessed are the Peacemakers…

Introduction: Matt. 5:9 1. The world doesn’t agree. Those able to wage war, engender strive are rewarded. 1) The warlord, revolutionary, the thug, 2) The bully is rewarded. 3) These rewards come by force. 2. Jesus stands in stark opposition to this thought. He epitomizes the peacemaker. He teaches peace in a world of “might […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines

The Zeal of Thine House Hath Eaten Me Up!

Introduction: Read Psa. 69:7-12; John 2:13-25. 1. We understand in action what we cannot in abstract. 2. What was His level of dedication to His cause? Jesus began to answer that question here. 3. What does this say of His zeal for the house of God today?

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons Tags:

The Will of the Father

Introduction: Matt. 7:21 1. We teach that our eternal destiny depends upon doing the will of the Father (Matt. 7:21), without adding (2 John 9; 1 Cor. 4:6; 1 Pet. 4:11), and without subtracting (Rev. 22:19). 2. What is it about the will of the Father that makes it right? 3. What is it about […]

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Categories: Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Topical Sermon Outlines

Rejecting the Counsel of God

Introduction: Luke 7:30

1. The Pharisees and Lawyers heard the counsel of God as the rest did.

2. He saw the confirmation as the rest did. Knew about John and Zacharias. Knew the prophecies.

3. Yet they rejected God’s counsel. Wouldn’t obey.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Rest in the Lord – God’s Promised Eternal Rest

INTRODUCTION: Matthew 11:28-29; 2 Thessalonians 1:7

1. Rest is for the weary–only such can rest. Jews had days, years for themselves, servants, beasts, lands.

2. Jesus promises rest to “weary and heavy laden” in His great invitation if they will come to Him.



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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Why in Bethlehem, to Shepherds?

Why in Bethlehem, to Shepherds?

Why in Bethlehem, To Shepherds


1. On the night of the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem, an angel appeared and called on mankind to rejoice.

2. Then the hosts of Heaven appeared and glorified God and pronounced peace and goodwill to the inhabitants of planet Earth.

3. The announcement was not made in Rome or Jerusalem or even in the East among wise men.

4. It was made exclusively to the lowly; to shepherds in the field.

5. It makes one wonder, WHY? Why, in the wisdom of God was this announcement made near Bethlehem, to shepherds?

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Categories: Audio Sermons, Easy Sermons to Preach, Sermon Outlines, Short Sermon Outlines, Short Sermons, Textual Sermon Outlines