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Sermons on Forgiveness

Sermons on Forgiveness – Sermon outlines by members of the church of Christ on the topic of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is necessary when we have broken someone’s law or rules. In this case it is about having broken God’s laws or having had offended Him in some way. God calls it sin or iniquity (Isa. 59:1-2). Notice also Rom. 3:23; 6:23. The need for forgiveness is great and immediate.

Jesus shed His blood for the cause of forgiveness (Matt. 26:28). Forgiveness of sin is another way to say remission of sin.

The importance of forgiveness cannot be understated. It’s what we need to stand righteous before God. It takes the blood of Jesus to receive it. The New Testament tells us how to receive it.

These sermons on forgiveness teach and exemplify and prepare us for God’s offer of forgiveness.

For the non-Christian the terms of forgiveness are in teachings of Peter on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:38) and in the conversion of Paul (Acts 22:16).

For the Christian Peter’s words to Simon the former sorcerer (Acts 8:22) and John’s statement to those whom he wished to fellowship (1 John 1:7-9) give the instructions to pray for forgiveness and that it would be granted.

Please enjoy these sermons on forgiveness. Use them in your ministry and in your private study.

Sermon on Forgiveness | Practicing Forgiveness

Sermon on Forgiveness – Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the need to practice forgiveness in our lives in order to gain forgiveness.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Sermons on Forgiveness, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags:

Free Forgiveness Sermon – The Parable of the Two Debtors

TITLE: Parable of the Two Debtors

SUBJECT: Jesus’ Parables:

PROPOSITION: To set forth the parable of the two debtors as it describes ourselves.

OBJECTIVE: To help us more clearly define our own position in relation to God’s forgiveness and the necessity for it, and to love God and others more.


1. Because the Pharisee who invited Jesus to supper was thinking badly of Jesus, the Lord told this parable.

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Sermons on Forgiveness, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Beauty of the Forgiveness of Sin


A. For several Sundays we have been discussing sin. We have studied:

1. The origin of sin

2. What sin is

3. Kinds of sin

4. What sin will do to you

5. Improper attitudes toward sin

6. Proper attitudes toward sin

7. Helps in overcoming sin

B. In our lesson of this hour we will be discussing the “The Beauty of the Forgiveness of Sin,” notice first that …

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Categories: Sermon Outlines, Sermons on Forgiveness, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags: ,