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Sermon on True Worship – The Importance of Worship

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1. “O Worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness” (Psalm 96:9)

1) This ability is what we are endeavoring to produce in each one of us in this series of studies.

2) We want to develop in every one of us a deeper appreciation for worship – for true worship.

2. In our last lesson we set out to define and describe true worship. True worship:

1) Ascribes worth to God – “worship” = worthship.

2) Is to be done in reverence.

3) Arises from the heart overflowing with gratitude.

4) Is reinforced with godly living.

5) Involves the entire person.

3. True worship, as seen in the fragrance prepared for the worship of God in Old Testament times and noted in our last lesson (Exodus 30:34-38), is reserved for God alone – thus, true worship is to be unique.

1) Our soul’s highest occupation is to worship God.

2) Our worship involves giving – NOT getting.

4. Someone once wrote: “To worship is to quicken the conscience by the holiness of God; to feed the mind with the truth of God; to purge the imagination by the beauty of God; to open the heart to the love of God; and to devote the will to the purpose of God.”

5. Truly, everyone of us need to grow in quality, meaningful and true worship.


I.   Jesus On Worship

1. The importance of worship.

1) John 4:20-24.

a. It is of significance that Jesus proclaimed this great teaching on worship to an individual – and not to the masses – showing the importance of individual responsibility in worship.

b. True worship is important because the Almighty is seeking true worshippers.

2) 1 Peter 2:5

a. Christians make up the “spiritual house” and as such are “an holy priesthood,” thus, have the right to worship God.

b. As a priesthood we “offer up spiritual sacrifices.”

c. These are to be “acceptable to God” – and not to suit ourselves.

d. Worship is the very core of the Christian’s life.

2. Jesus seeks “true worshippers.”

1) True worship implies that there is false worship.

2) The Bible speaks of:

a. Vain worship.

a) Matthew 15:8-9

b) This is worship that is vain, of no value.

c) Why? – not done as prescribed by God.

b. Ignorant worship.

a) Acts 17:22-23

b) Worship where we are uninformed; thus, worship is to involve teaching – again as God has prescribed!

c. Will worship.

a) Colossians 2:23

b) Worship that is self-styled and presumptuous.

3) In reality there are two kinds of worship:

a. Acceptable and true.

b. Or, unacceptable and false.

II.  Forms of Unacceptable Worship

1. The worship of false gods.

1) Sadly, all this began with Cain. After refusing to worship properly and then killing his brother. Genesis 4:16

a. Cain left God.

b. There is no wonder then that there is a long line of idolatrous activities in the way of Cain.

2) Romans 1:20-23

a. When men reject God – they will worship the false gods they create.

b. Man worships something.

3) Man’s false gods generally fall into two categories:

a. Earthly, material gods.

a) Job 31:24-28.

b) Many worship their possessions, that is, placing them above God in value.

b. Images.

a) Deuteronomy 4:14-19

b) God can never be reduced to an image

4) God repeadedly warned Israel against this.

a. Isaiah 2:6-9.

b. Every religion that does not properly acknowledge God in true worship is idolatrous.

2. The worship of the true God in the wrong form.

1) Not only is the right object established in Scripture, but the right form and manner is as well. God did nto say worship Me and then give no instruction as to the how.

2) An illustration of this is in Exodus 32.

3) While Moses was gone, the people under Aaron’s leadership fashioned a golden calf as a representation of Jehovah God.

3. The worship of the true God in a self-styled manner.

1) Nadab and Abihu.

a. Leviticus 10:1-2.

b. They administered the incense in a self-styled manner, that is, they did it their way – not God’s.

c. In doing this they did not sanctify God before the people.

d. God’s displeasure is seen in sending fire down from heaven to devour them.

2) Saul.

a. 1 Samuel 13:8-14

b. Saul had performed a function that only a priest was to perform.

c. Saul had no authority to do this – an obedient heart is at the heart of true worship.

3) Uzzah

a. 2 Samuel 6:1-9.

b. Uzzah was a Kohathite, responsible for transporting the Ark of the Covenant – he knew it was not to be touched and how it was to transported, but he took the liberty of doing it his own way.

c. Needless to say, God was displeased.

4) The Pharisees.

a. Matthew 15:1-9.

b. They built their own self-styled system of worship established deep in their own traditions.

c. We must distinguish between truth and tradition.

d. Realize that tradition is only bad if it violates Scripture or is treated as authoritative as Scripture.

4. The worship of the true God with the wrong attitude.

1) We may eliminate false gods and self-styled forms of worship, but if we do not have the proper attitudes in worship – we are not involved in true worship.

2) Hosea 6:4-7

3) Mark 7:6

4) If we are doing the right things to the right God, but our attitudes are not right, then our worship is still not acceptable.


1. Jesus taught concerning true worship and true worshippers, but such implies false worship and false worshippers.

2. To better appreciate the true we must clear away the false

3. Think about these questions as we conclude:

1) Am I growing each day in the grace of gratitude?

2) Am I seeking to honor God in all that I do?

3) Do I greatly anticipate and look forward to each time of worship?

4) Do I bring the right heart as I engage in worship to God?