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Sermon on the Temptation of Jesus – The Tested and Certified Christ

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sermon on the temptation of jesus

Sermon on the Temptation of Jesus – Sermon outline by G. E. Watkins revealing the nature and intensity of Jesus’ temptation and what it means for us.

Introduction: Mark 1:12-13

1. Jesus is driven into the wilderness by the Spirit of God.

2. He is to undergo a period of testing.

3. This testing reveals the character of our Lord

1) like concrete is tested.

2) like automobiles are tested.

3) like soldiers are tested.

[Our Lord underwent the most intense period of testing ever known to mankind. As we notice the tests and the results of those tests let us recognize that our Lord is The Tested and Certified Christ.]

Discussion: [discussion of this sermon on the temptation of jesus]

I.   Let Us Notice the Conditions of the Testing.

1. The testing was rigorous in its surroundings.

1) In the wilderness. Isolated. No help nearby.

2) He had no food. He was hungry. Matthew 4:2; Luke 4:2.

3) He was with the wild beasts. He was alone.

2. The testing was rigorous in its duration. 40 days. Perhaps not so
significant until we realize…

3. The testing was rigorous in its intensity.

1) This is seen in the administrator of the test.

2) Also in the tests themselves.

II.  Let Us Notice the Tests.

1. Command stones to become bread. Instant provision. Test of submission.

2. Cast Himself down from Temple. Instant fame. It would serve only to glorify self.

3. Bow down and rule over the kingdoms. Instant power. Quick and easy. Instant gratification.

[Try, if you will, you cannot conceive any greater tests for a man. Jesus passes every test.]

III. Let Us Notice the Results – The Certification.

1. Will not grow weary in well doing. Gal. 6:9

2. Will not accept the standards of man. Matthew 15:9

3. Cannot be bought. Matthew 26:15.

4. Cannot be distracted.

5. Will not deviate from the Father’s will. Matthew 7:21-23; Matthew

6. Will not cave in times of adversity. Luke 22:60ff

7. He is SPOTLESS. 1 Peter 2:21-25.

8. Will not embarrass the cause because of ‘shady’ areas.

9. Holds scripture in the highest regard.

10.Will do the Father’s will in private.

11.Will not seek His own glory.

12.Will trust in God’s provision. Matthew 6:33

13.Will not use His power for personal advantage. John 19:23, 24

14.Will not seek political power. John 18:36.

15.Will not be tempted by the easy way. Matthew 26:42.

16.He will be absolutely, utterly, true to the Father. He will
worship none other. EVER!!!

Conclusion: [end of this sermon on the temptation of jesus]

1. Christ has been tested and certified. He is able. He is willing.

2. The one that needs a savior may now rejoice. He is able to deliver
thee. For our sin-sickness we have a tested and certified physician. Praise His holy