Sermon on Self-Esteem – Spiritual Growth and Self-Esteem
Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines Tags: Sermons on Self-esteem, Sermons on Spiritual Growth
Sermon on Self-Esteem – Sermon outline by Tom Moore on spiritual growth as it is affected by self-esteem.
A. In our previous lesson we saw that “Spiritual Growth Is A Choice”
1. Commanded by God (2 Pet. 3:18)
2. Requiring diligent effort (Phil. 2:12)
3. Assisted by God (Phil. 2:13)
4. Blessed by God (2 Pet. 1:8-11)
B. Yet many Christians do not reach their potential for spiritual growth…
1. Character development is minimal, abilities likewise underdeveloped
2. Years pass by with little progress
C. I am persuaded a major reason is poor self-esteem…
1. This Causes Christians to underestimate their potential
2. Hindering their efforts to grow
D. What is self-esteem? How does it affect our spiritual growth? Let’s begin by taking a look at…
DISCUSSION [ discussion of this sermon on self-esteem ]
1. Understanding Self-Esteem…
a. Self-esteem is our internal feelings and evaluation of ourselves based on our “perceived” self-image
1) How we feel about ourselves
2) Based on how we view ourselves
b. Self-esteem and self-image are closely related, they are based mostly on feedback during childhood
1) Feedback may come first from others (parents, peers, other important figures)
2) But then reinforced by our own self-talk (what we tell ourselves)
c. Healthy self-esteem is enhanced by childhood experiences that include:
1) Being praised
2) Being listened to, being spoken to respectfully
3) Getting attention and hugs
4) Experiencing success in sports or school
5) Having trustworthy friends
d. Childhood experiences that lead to low self-esteem include:
1) Being harshly criticized, yelled at, or beaten
2) Being ignored, ridiculed or teased
3) Being expected to be “perfect” all the time
4) Experiencing failures in sports or school
5) People with low self-esteem were often given messages that failed experiences (losing a game, getting a poor grade, etc.) were failures of their whole self
e. The consequences of poor self-esteem:
1) Can create anxiety, stress, loneliness and increased likelihood for depression
2) Can cause problems with friendships and relationships
3) Can seriously impair academic and job performance
4) Can lead to underachievement and increased vulnerability to drug and alcohol abuse
f. These negative consequences themselves reinforce the negative self-image and can take a person into a downward spiral of lower and lower self-esteem and increasingly nonproductive or even actively self-destructive behavior
2. The Christian’s Basis For Self-Esteem…
a. The Christian has two primary reasons for having healthy self-image:
1) Dignity by virtue of divine generation
a) We were created in God’s image — Genesis 1:26-27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. And God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
b) We were created to exercise dominion — Gen 1:28 And God blessed them: and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.
c) God has further demonstrated His high estimation of mankind by His love — John 3:16; 1 John 4:10; Romans 5:8
2) Dignity by virtue of spiritual regeneration
a) Yes, we were sinners, but we have been regenerated — Titus 3:5
b) We are now loved as His children — 1 John 3:1
b. Christians have other reasons for having self-esteem
1) The blessing of continued forgiveness when we sin — 1 John 1:9-2:2
2) The blessing of God’s family (the church) to help us — Hebrews 3:12-13; Hebrews 10:25
3) The blessing of God’s own assurance never to forsake us — Hebrews 13:5-6
c. There is much that could be added to the fact that God highly esteems His children. Even though we sin, He wants us to have the proper estimation of ourselves. But now let’s address more directly the subject of…
d. Finally, in this sermon on self-esteem…
1. Poor Self-Esteem Hinders Spiritual Growth…
a. Not believing they are capable of growing, some say:
1) “I could never do that (teach a class, preach etc.)…”
2) “I will make too many mistakes…”
b. Prone to giving up too soon, some tell themselves:
1) “I just don’t have the ability…”
2) “I am only a one talent individual…”
c. Poor self-esteem on an individual basis can easily carry over to how the group feels
1) “We are too small as a church to do…”
2) “We are too poor…”
d. All such excuses are indications of poor self-esteem, and prevent spiritual growth from occurring!
2. Proper Self-Esteem Enhances Spiritual Growth…
a. Consider the healthy self-esteem the apostle Paul had:
1) For himself — Philippians 4:13
2) For others — Philippines 1:6; 2:12-13
b. We should have a similar estimation of ourselves
1) We can do whatever God wants us to do, because Christ strengthens us!
2) Instead of making excuses, say — Phil. 4:13
3. Practical Steps For Improving Self-Esteem…
a. Identify and accept your strengths, weaknesses – everyone has them, no one is perfect
b. Take an “I can” attitude and offer yourself encouragement along the way
c. Set realistic goals, and then take joy in your achievements (giving God the glory!)
d. Don’t try to be someone else – be thankful who you are
e. Explore your own talents, learn to love and appreciate the unique person you are (God loves you, your brethren love you, shouldn’t you?)
f. Eliminate negative self-talk; consider the following:
1) It takes about 20 positive statements about ourselves (the foundation of our self-esteem) to counteract even just 1 negative personal statement!
2) It doesn’t take a continual repetition of negative statements from our parents, peers, and others throughout our childhood to cause low self-esteem.
3) Once we get a couple in our head, we can use them over and over again; again and again we take those false negatives and repeat them unconsciously (completely unaware) – it’s like having a constant heckler with you
CONCLUSION [ end of this sermon on self-esteem ]
A. Poor self-esteem is a major hindrance to spiritual growth
1. We make excuses for not trying
2. We often give up before we make progress
B. On the other hand, spiritual growth greatly enhances self-esteem
1. As we grow, our achievements encourage us to do more
2. As we grow, we gain confidence that we are on the right track
C. Rather than let a mistaken estimation of self to hinder our service to God…
1. Allow God’s estimation of us to enhance our self-image and self-esteem
2. Allow God’s estimation of us to encourage the spiritual growth He desires
3. We will feel better about ourselves when we do!