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Sermon on Perseverance – The Lost Art of Perseverance

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sermon on perseverance

Sermon on Perseverance — Giving in to worldliness, apathy and mediocrity are foreign concepts to the Christian faith. Enjoy this Bible lesson on perseverance.

PROPOSITION: To develop the art of perseverance we need 1) Tests, 2) Truth, 3) Time, 4) Trust.

OBJECTIVE: That we would value the quality of perseverance in our lives and learn to develop it as we seek to walk in the Christian faith.

INTRODUCTION: As we begin this sermon on perseverance:

1. Read: Ephesians 6:17-18

2. About the Text:

1) Paul is speaking about the Christian’s need to put on the whole armor of God.

2) This armor is available and may be worn by the Christian.

3) But this armor is nothing if the Christian does not have the right attitude.

4) Paul speaks of this attitude in verse 18.

5) He first speaks to the Christians need to engage in prayer.

6) He also needs to watch with all perseverance.

7) The word perseverance means to persist or endure in spite of elements arrayed against you.

8) From its Latin roots, the word literally means “through severity.”

3. Perseverance in our society today.

1) In an age of instant oatmeal and microwave popcorn, we’re not too big on perseverance.

2) We want everything to be delivered to our door step on our time line at our convenience.

3) In such a society, how do we develop the art of perseverance?

4. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: Sermon on perseverance | To develop the art of perseverance we need…

I.   Tests/Trials/Troubles

1. Before we can persevere we need the severe.

1) We noted earlier that the word literally meant, “through severity.”

2) This can come in the form of tests, trials, or troubles.

3) One can’t persevere without the severe.

2. The faithful Christian will know his share of troubles.

1) Paul told Timothy, “Yea, and all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution” (2 Timothy 3:12).

2) Paul had his share of troubles as well. (2 Corinthians 11:24-28).

3) Not all troubles, however, are external.

4) We can place tremendous pressure upon ourselves through worry, setting unrealistic goals for ourselves, thinking negatively toward our friends, not being thankful, not rejoicing in the Lord.

5) We need perseverance when we get ourselves into these such situations as well.

3. When we persevere through trials we will grow as Christians.

1) Peter said regarding those who suffered various trials, (1 Peter 1:7).

2) James said, … (James 1:12)

4. Enduring tests and trials will help us to persevere.

II.  Truth

1. Truth gives us a reason to persevere.

1) It’s not enough to persevere if we don’t have something to hold onto.

2) Truth is worth persevering for.

3) In order for our perseverance to have value we must have truth in our lives.

2. We’ve got to persevere in doing the right things.

1) When all else is crumbling around us, this gives us something to hold onto.

2) John 8:31-32 – we’ve got to abide in Christ’s words to have truth in our life.

3) Acts 4:21-22

3. By persevering in doing what is right, we can be assured that our perseverance isn’t empty.

1) 1 Corinthians 15:58

2) God is well pleased with such sacrifices. Hebrews 13:16

4. Knowing and practicing the truth will aid us in perseverance.

III. Time

1. Time is a necessary component to perseverance.

1) We can’t say that we’ve persevered until a sufficient amount of time has gone by.

2) We’re all familiar with the question, “Are we there yet”?

3) When such a question is asked without a sufficient amount of time passing, we know that someone hasn’t been persevering.

4) Repetition also helps us to persevere.

5) The more we experience something, the better we are able to endure it.

2. We recognize, however, the temporal nature of things that happen in time and this helps us to persevere more.

3. Paul wrote, … (2 Corinthians 4:17-18).

4. When we know that our days on the earth are limited, time can be our friend as we struggle to persevere.

5. Psalm 90:9-10 states, …

6. Time is our friend in developing the art of perseverance.

IV.  Trust

1. In order to persevere, we need to trust in the Lord.

2. Trusting in God will get us through difficulties like nothing else and will help is persevere.

3. Proverbs 3:5-6 – when we trust in God we can know our paths are directed by Him.

4. When we trust in the Lord our future will be secure. Psalm 37:5 states, “Commit thy way unto the LORD; trust also in him; and he shall bring it to pass.”

5. When we trust in the Lord we have a safe haven. Psalm 62:8 says, “Trust in him at all times; ye people, pour out your heart before him: God is a refuge for us.”

6. When we trust in the Lord we shall endure. Psalm 125:1 “They that trust in the LORD shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever.”

7. When we trust in the Lord we have great strength. Isaiah 26:4 “Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength:”

8. Trusting in the Lord is key in developing the art of perseverance.

CONCLUSION: We have noted in this sermon on perseverance that:

1. To develop the art of perseverance we need…

1) Tests/Trials

2) Truth

3) Time

4) Trust

2. Invitation