Sermon on a Savior – The Promise Of A Savior
Sermon – Promise of a Savior – Sermon outline by Bill Jackson explaining the condition of man (lost in sin) and the redemption planned by God.
Sermon – Promise of a Savior – Sermon outline by Bill Jackson explaining the condition of man (lost in sin) and the redemption planned by God.
SUBJECT: Thanksgiving to God
TITLE: Entering God’s Gates with Thanksgiving
PROPOSITION: We enter God’s gates with thanksgiving because 1) thanksgiving is the only appropriate response for what God has done for us, 2) thanksgiving brings about a change of attitude in our lives, 3) thanksgiving spurs us into action for the welfare and benefit of others.
OBJECTIVE: The hearer should be able to state why he ought to have a heart of thanksgiving to God and how that relates to Christian living.
Aim: That each one would harbor a heart of tremendous gratitude toward God for the blessings he has given us in our lives.
Helpful confrontation is as natural as the confrontation between darkness and light. Do you find it uncomfortable to turn on the light switch? We do it every day so that we can see and not be hindered by darkness. Light confronts darkness (John 1:5). So, also, we should be comfortable in presenting the light of the gospel to others. Are we?
A. Genesis 22:1-14 is the high-water mark in the book of Genesis, in the life of Abraham, and in the life of Isaac.
B. The offering of Isaac is discussed three times in the Bible (Genesis 22:1-14; James 2:2:21-22; Hebrews 11:17-19)
1. In James 2:21-22 and Hebrews 11:17-19, this event is discussed in the context of genuine faith.
2. Abraham is the Faith’s Hall of Fame in Hebrews 11, along with many other great servants of faith.
C. God had made a promise to Abraham
1. Genesis 12:1-3
2. This promise was given six times to Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 13:14-18; 15:17; 18:16-19; 22:17-19)
Sermon on the Tower of Babel — Sermon outline by Kevin Cauley on the account of the Tower of Babel.
Sermon outlines by Kevin Cauley on end times. He discusses the tribulation and the thousand year reign.
SUBJECT: Example
TITLE: Take the Name of Jesus With You
PROPOSITION: How can I take the name of Jesus with me? I can take the name of Jesus with me by 1) by Speech, 2) Knowledge, 3) Dress, and 4) Actions
OBJECTIVES: Each should understand what it means to take the name of Jesus into the foreign country of our world and explain how we can take the name of Jesus with us.
AIM: To help all understand what it means to take the name of Jesus with us so that when we sing the song, we will be thinking about the things we can do to take this name with us.
1. Read: 1 Cor. 1:1-3
SUBJECT: God’s Word
PROPOSITION: To study the four reasons for the giving of the word of God, the revelation, to the Ephesians as set forth in Ephesians 1:18-19.
OBJECTIVE:That we understand the application of these 4 reasons.
SUBJECT: Friendship (with God)
TITLE: Who is a Friend of God?
PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will look at the question, “Who is a Friend of God?” One is God’s friend when he 1) Loves God with all his heart, soul, and mind, 2) Does what God wants him to do simply because God has asked us to do it, 3) Tells others about what a great friend God is.
OBJECTIVES: Each hearer should be able to understand what it takes to be a friend of God.
AIM: I want everyone to be motivated to make God their friend.
A. People will do some strange things if they are hungry enough
1. It is not uncommon one to steal in order to eat
2. In a military survival course you are taught to eat bugs, worms, all kinds of plants, things that you would never eat if well fed
3. Stranded, starving survivors have even been known to eat each other in order to live
4. I once read of an elderly woman who choked to death trying to eat a piece of cardboard, since it was the only thing she had
5. 2 Kings 6:24-29
Communion Sermon Outline Date written: October 21st, 2006 Scripture ref: 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 SUBJECT: Worship TITLE: Directions for Observing the Lord’s Supper PROPOSITION: In our directions for observing the Lord’s Supper we must 1) Go Backward, 2) Go Inward, 3) Go Upward, and 4) Go Forward. Objectives: That each individual know how to appropriately observe […]
A. As mentioned in the previous lessons, there are things in life that we cannot avoid
1. Death
2. Governments/taxation
3. These contribute much to the “vanity” of “life under the sun”
Date written: January 30th, 2008
Scripture ref: Acts 4:36-37
PROPOSITION: Barnabas was an exemplary example due to his 1) Sacrificial Giving, 2) Seeking the Kingdom, 3) Spirit of Christ.
Objectives: To learn true giving from the example of Barnabas.
1. Read: Acts 4:36-37
What do we need to do spiritual exercise? 1) Be Ready, 2) Repetition, 3) Resistance, 4) Be Resolute. Each may learn what we need to conduct spiritual exercise. I want to encourage everyone to exercise spiritually.
Paul writes in Romans 12:2,3 “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Many Christians want to transform the gospel to satisfy the culture, but that is not what Paul teaches. Radical transformation in action focuses upon moving Christians away from non-Christian culture and the sin within it.
SUBJECT: Conversion
TITLE: Conversion Accounts – Saul of Tarsus
PROPOSITION: In the conversion of Saul we see 1) Selective Confrontation, 2) Sincere Contrition, 3) Serious Concern, and 4) Scandalous Conversion.
OBJECTIVE: To study and understand the conversion of Saul so that we may explain it to others.
Aim: That each would understand how Saul’s conversion serves as a model for everyone’s conversion.
1. Read: Acts 9:1-9
A. Are you a man or woman of your word?
1. When you say “yes” or “no” to something, do people take it as “gospel” (i.e., truth)?
2. Are you someone whose word is questioned, unless confirmed with an oath?
A. Death, by definition, is a separation.
1. Physical death is the separation of the spirit from the body
a. Genesis 2:7
b. Thus when the spirit leaves this body of clay, so does life
2. Spiritual death, which is the second death (Rev. 20:6), is a separation of the soul from God
a. Isaiah 59:1-2
b. 2 Thessalonians 1:7-9
A. In Solomon’s effort to understand the “true meaning to life,” he sees that good times and bad times come to all, and this repeats itself in each coming generation.
1. This process repeats itself with such certainty that Solomon concludes – Ecclesiastes 3:15
2. The wise man will understand this, and prepare himself for the ups and downs in life
Date written: August 5th, 2007 Scripture ref: John 20:30-31 SUBJECT: Apologetics TITLE: Why Believe? PROPOSITION: Why ought we to believe? 1) I want to believe. 2) There is good reason to believe. 3) Because of the consequences of not believing. 4) Because of the rewards of believing. Objectives: That each would be motivated to believe […]