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Life's Instruction Manual

Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles

The following article was penned by sister Barbara Hyland, wife of one of our elders at Montana Street. She brings forth some good words of wisdom for us to seriously think about regarding the use of God’s instruction manual — the Bible:

The other day, I bought a new ceiling fan with a fancy remote control, and now the remote control is sitting on my table and it isn’t working. I paid quite a bit of money and it simply doesn’t do what is claimed in the ads! I know the battery is inserted the right way…….let’s see……. what is the “positive” or negative” end anyway!! Oh well, I can just keep putting in the batteries one way or the other and its bound to work sooner or later…………right? I simply hate those instruction manuals!

So where am I going with this……

God, our heavenly father, is the ‘manufacturer” of life. He is the “maker” and sustainer of all life and all people. He created the whole world and all of the creatures that inhabit this world. Since He is also the “sustainer” of all life, He knows best how to make things work.

We’ve probably all heard the saying………”life doesn’t come with an instruction manual.” Oh, yes it does! The instruction manual is called the Bible and it contains the instructions that you and I need to help us insert those “batteries” of life in a “positive” way! Hooray!!! It’s there for me to read. This instruction manual is His will and His wisdom. It is the one instruction manual I love reading.

Every issue, every topic, and every matter in all of life is addressed in some way. In direct statement or principle, everything is there. God’s Word is the key to all of life.

Thus, we as Christian women need to make it a high priority to read, to meditate on and to use the Word of God in our lives. How can we not? Just sitting in our pews at church, singing hymns of praise, hearing the sermon and nodding our head in agreement is not the same as using the instruction manual. Those wonderful inspirational messages we receive everyday in our emails that inspire us and comfort us and make life more meaningful…….. they are not the Bible.

Reading three chapters a day from the “instruction” manual will greatly bless your life. This comes with a guarantee from the “Manufacturer” and He knows how to make it work!!

Prayer: Our Great and Good God…..Maker of Heaven and Earth. We come to you acknowledging that we have no answers for ourselves, for others or for our world. But we know that You have the answers to all of life problems and those answers are found in your gift to us….the Holy Bible. As we read and meditate upon those words of life, may the Holy Spirit enlighten our understanding and give us a divine peace that comes from knowing You love us and care for us. Your words are the words of Life…….. In the name of Jesus, our Lord we pray this prayer……………Amen