Interacting with Other People – Part 8
Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: Interacting with Other People
We need to interact with other people. Isolation is a spiritually dangerous place to be. Consider Proverbs 18:1, “A man who isolates himself seeks his own desire; He rages against all wise judgment.” Here is the heart of why people isolate themselves. They are seeking their own desires. That is, they are being self-centered and not trying to engage with other people, which God wants us to do to fulfill His purposes. The second part of this statement says that the person who seeks isolation “rages against all wise judgment.” The English Standard Version says, “sound judgment.” The word “sound” means that which is healthy. It is not healthy, and it is not wise to isolate oneself from everyone else. To do so is to rebel against what is healthy and wise. We need to be around other people!
It is not wise/sound because we will not be practicing pure religion. Pure religion means we must visit the fatherless and widows (James 1:27). It is not wise/sound because we will not love our neighbor. Surely loving our neighbor means interacting with our neighbor (Matthew 22:39-40). How can we love someone with whom we have nothing to do? It is not wise/sound because we will cut ourselves off from the blessing of other people. God intended good people to be a blessing to us (Genesis 12:2). We cannot receive their blessing if we do not interact with them. It is not wise/sound because we will not be blessed for righteousness’ sake. Remember what Jesus said in Matthew 5:10-12. We must let our light shine!
The greatest blessings that God has to offer come through His people, the church. Isolation takes us away from God’s people and into the hands of the devil. Don’t isolate; interact!
God bless you, and I love you.
Kevin Cauley