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How to Control Our Tongue

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Introduction: James 3:6

1. It is good and right to recognize the need to control the tongue.

1) Every idle word – judged, Matt. 12:36.

2) Religion vain if tongue not bridled, James 1:26.

3) Transgression is often in words, Prov. 10:19.

2. We can see the problem. We have the gift of speech but this is an opportunity for sin.

3. What do we do?


I.   Purify the Mind (Change the source of the foul tongue.)

1. Filthy mouths come from filthy minds, Matt. 15:17-20.

2. Heart deceitful and wicked, Jer. 17:9.

3. Heart evil from youth, Gen. 8:21.

4. Transformed by renewing the mind, Rom. 12:2; Psa. 119:11; Psa. 1; Phil. 4:8.

II.  Pray to the Creator of the Mind (Repent and confess to God.)

1. Psa. 51:10; Psa. 141:3.

2. Repent and pray to God when we err, Acts 8:22; 1 John 1:7-9. (Take care to deal with the thought.)

III. Create a Proper Habit

1. Replace the sinful with the righteous, Eph. 4:29; Col. 4:6.

2. It must be done every time you err to form a habit. As with a child, a soldier, an animal. You must discipline yourself.


1. Purify the mind.

2. Pray to the Creator of the mind.

3. Create a proper habit.

Notes for a Wednesday night devotional.