How “Big” Is The Bible?
Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: Bible Lessons on the BibleHow “BIG” is the Bible? It is long enough to reach from the beginning of time, through all history, and into the eternal heavens. It is broad enough that the greatest minds cannot absorb it all. It is so high that it touches the throne of God.
How “BIG” is the Bible? In your own life, it is just as “BIG” as you make it. To some foolish people, it is nothing, for they neither know nor follow it. But to other people, it leads them home to heaven. The following are some goals you need as you study your Bible every day:
1) Knowledge of God and His relationship to man.
2) Knowledge of the relationship of man to man.
3) Growth in the Christian faith.
4) Develop skills for winning others to Christ.
5) Looking to the Word for our devotional life.
6) Develop Christian character.
7) Integrating all phases of your life with the spiritual.
8) Becoming a faithful Christian as the Lord wants you to be.
9) Goal of being able to teach God’s Word in word, deed, and daily living.
Let’s all make the Bible “BIG” in our everyday living.