He Is Precious – Part 1
Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: He Is Precious
First Peter addresses those who have been scattered abroad by persecution, and in particular, those who have been born again through the redemption of the blood of Christ struggling to be faithful. Peter encourages them to stand steadfast and remain faithful even in adverse situations. In chapter two, Peter calls attention to the fact that these Christians, through their new birth, have left behind the things of the world, malice, guile, hypocrisy, envying, and evil speaking. He encourages these Christians to drink the honest milk of the word so that they can grow in their faith. If they continue to grow, they will be part of the spiritual house of God as living stones. Their edification is based upon the foundation of Christ, and their acknowledgement of His preciousness.
When we think of the word “precious” we think of something which has inherent value, worth, is highly prized and rarely obtained. In the movie and book series, “Lord of the Rings,” those who are taken with the “one ring” often refer to it as “precious.” The devotion that these characters display to the ring reflects their servitude and misguided zeal toward it. When speaking the word “precious” (in regard to the ring) they reveal love, devotion, zeal, and jealousy. While the ring represents something which is evil, do we have the same love, devotion, and zeal toward that which we know is good?
The Bible says that Jesus is precious to us who are born again to righteousness, edification, and sanctification. In 1 Peter 2:7 we have this statement, “Therefore, to you who believe, He is precious.” Is Jesus precious to you? Do you value Him like you would value your most prized possession?
God bless you, and I love you.
Kevin Cauley