Thanking God For His Blessings


1. Open your Bible please to Colossians 1:12-14.

2. In Colossians 1:12-14 Paul speaks of five things that Christians are to be thankful for.

3. Thankfulness should be characteristic in the life of every Christian.

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Categories: Expository Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Rejoice in the Midst of Suffering


1. Open your bible please to Colossians 1:24-29.

2. In Colossians 1:24-29 Paul continues to amaze his readers when he speaks of rejoicing in his sufferings.

3. Most people think of many reasons to complain when they experience sufferings.

4. Paul, earlier in life had been beaten and stoned due to his faithfulness to Christ.

5. Paul, as he wrote the letter to those of Colossae was in prison in Rome.

6. Let’s discuss things that Paul says in Colossians 1:24-29 that help us to understand why Paul would rejoice in his sufferings.

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Categories: Expository Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

The Rights and Responsibilities of the Redeemed

Date written: October 15, 1994 Scripture ref: Hebrews 10:19-25 SUBJECT: Passage TITLE: The Rights and Responsibilities of the Redeemed PROPOSITION: To make a expository study of Hebrews 10:19-25 noting the rights of the redeemed Christian (confidence and counsel), and the responsibilities of a Christian (that he must come close, cleave, and consider). Objecive: To recognize […]

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Categories: Expository Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Sermon on the Mind of Christ – The Mind of Christ

Sermon on the Mind of Christ –. Sermon outline on having a mind of sacrifice, humility and obedience. By Tom Moore

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Categories: Expository Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

The Incredible Healing of the Nobleman’s Son – Sermon John 4

Introduction: Read John 4:43-54

1. A nobleman stood at the bedside of his son. Son dying. Doctors helpless. Mother weeping.

2. Father is out of options. Needs a miracle. Thinks “water to wine” (John 2:1-11). “I know where there is a miracle working man.” Government keeps track of those that cause a ruckus in Jerusalem (John 2:13-25). Doesn’t send servant, goes himself.

3. Finds Jesus in Cana, an uphill journey from Capernaum. Asks Him to come down.

4. Jesus changes the subject, v. 48.

1) Reveals that He is concerned more for the soul of the nobleman than for the life of the child. …of such is the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 19:14).

2) Jesus’ purpose is to seek and save the lost.

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Categories: Expository Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Staying Focused | Living The Focused Life

INTRODUCTION: Philippians 3:10-16

A. A hungry tiger started tracking the scent of a deer. As he followed the deer, he came across the scent of a rabbit. He turned aside and started after the rabbit. Then he was distracted by the scent of a mouse and started following that. He finally came to the hole into which the mouse had vanished. He ended the day hungrier than when he had started the day. This fable illustrates how many spend their lives distracted with this or that, and at the end of the day – they have accomplished little.

B. In Philippians 3:10-16 we find a focus for one’s life – a spiritual focus

1. Paul wrote Philippians 3:13b-14

2. Paul said “this one thing I do”

a. Not “a hundred things I start” or “a dozen things I attempt” – but “one thing I do”

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