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Deacons Duties, Responsibilities and Qualifications

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines | Comments

Date written: February 10, 2002
Scripture ref: Philippians 1:1

SUBJECT: Church: Organization

TITLE: Deacons-God’s Servants

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will study deacons duties, responsibilities and qualifications.

OBJECTIVE: Everyone should be able to know from the scriptures deacons duties, responsibilities and qualification.

AIM: I hope to be able to help the congregation work toward appointing deacons and to encourage prospective deacons.


1. Read: Philippians 1:1 “Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, with the bishops and deacons”

2. About the Text:

1) Paul writing from a Roman prison gives salutation to the church at Philippi.

2) He gives us a quick glance of the organization of the church.

3) The organization is composed of saints, bishops, and deacons.

4) Saints are individual Christians who have been immersed for the remission of their sins.

5) Bishops are the leaders of the church; synonymous with elder, pastor, shepherd, and overseer.

6) Deacons are another office in the church which will be the subject of our study this evening.

3. The Greek word “diakonos” means servant.

1) Out of the 30 some odd times it is used, 26 of those are translated servant and only 4 translated “deacon.”

2) There is ample evidence in the scriptures, however, to presume that there was a special office which was referred to as deacon.

4. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: In this lesson we will study …

I.   The History of Deacons (Acts 6:1-7)

1. We see here the first problem in the church.

1) There was murmuring.

2) The Grecians were contending with the Hebrews

3) The issue was that their widows were being neglected.

2. The solution of the apostles.

1) They did not want a division in this fledgling church. It would have been disastrous.

2) However, the apostles neither wanted to neglect their primary mission of teaching the word and prayer.

3) They called everyone together-everyone was included.

4) They instructed the church to choose men from among them men who would take care of this needed business.

a. They did not demean this business.

b. It was important business.

5) But, the apostles gave the qualifications and did the appointing.

a. They were to choose men of good report.

b. Full of the Holy Spirit

c. Full of wisdom.

3. The choice of the people (v5).

4. The apostles prayed for them and laid their hands on them.

5. The result of handling the matter in this way was tremendous (v.7).

II.  Deacons’ Duties and Responsibilities (1 Corinthians 4:2 “Moreover it is required in stewards, that a man be found faithful.”)

1. Deacons are servants.

1) All Christians are to be servants and have the mind of a servant (Philippians 2:5).

2) Deacons therefore should be examples of what it means to be a servant as they are raised up in the eyes of the brethren for this specific purpose.

3) In contrast, the elders are described as “overseers” in the church (Acts 20:28).

4) They are to oversee the activities of the church and make decisions in areas of expediency.

2. Deacons have responsibility in specific areas of the work.

1) Deacons do not “oversee” the church, but specific areas of work within the church.

2) These are areas in which the eldership has already made decisions.

3) Deacons ensure that the work is carried out and that nothing is neglected.

4) They must, therefore, be trustworthy.

3. Primarily their responsibilities are of a physical nature dealing with day-to-day tasks and duties.

1) In Acts 6, the deacons there were charged to deal with the specific business of daily ministration to the widows.

2) In contrast the apostles wanted to continue with teaching and preaching God’s word and prayer.

3) Deacons, therefore, provide a support structure for elders and preachers to engage in activities more centered on teaching God’s word.

4) This does NOT imply that deacons do not share a responsibility to teach and preach God’s word.

5) Just that their main emphasis in service to the local congregation is upon providing support to those who do.

III. The Deacon’s Qualifications (1 Timothy 3:8-13)

1. Moral Qualifications

1) Of honest report (Acts 6)

2) Grave – serious, somber, about the business to be conducted. Must not be conducted with a slack hand or with a flippant attitude.

3) Not double tongued – does not say one thing to one and another thing to another (Psalm 15:4 “He that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not).

4) Not given to much wine – see bulletin article. Must not be given to excess regarding anything.

5) Not greedy of filthy lucre – no lover of money (1 Timothy 6:10 “For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil.”)

6) Must be proved – he must have served within the congregation for a time to gain the trust of the eldership and the members as he will be serving them.

7) Blameless – There is nothing that anyone can bring against his name or be said about him; he does not have a reputation for evil. This does not mean that he will not make mistakes.

2. Spiritual Qualifications

1) Filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 6) – Must know the word of God

2) Filled with wisdom (Acts 6) – Must know how to apply the word of God

3) Holding the mystery of the faith – He has the right standard in his mind.

4) In a pure conscience – He executes his life based upon that standard.

3. Qualifications of Family

1) Husbands of one wife.

a. Wife must be grave – serious, somber about the business to be conducted.

b. Not slanderers – not one who is going to talk maliciously regarding others.

c. Sober – having the right attitude toward herself.

d. Faithful in all things – She must be a steward as well, as she will aid him in his work.

2) Ruling their children well – Their children are not “out of control,” but orderly.

3) Ruling their house well – He loves his wife and children; he cares for his family; he follows the example of Abraham, Genesis 18:19 “For I know him, that he will command his children and his household after him, and they shall keep the way of the LORD, to do justice and judgment; that the LORD may bring upon Abraham that which he hath spoken of him.”

IV.  Deacons’ Rewards

1. They must have used the office of the deacon well – they are not slack in their responsibilities.

2. They purchase a good degree or good standing.

1) They may become evangelists like Stephen and Phillip.

2) They may become elders.

3) They may remain deacons who carry with them the respect of the entire church.

3. They purchase great boldness in the faith which is in Christ Jesus.

1) By knowing their responsibilities.

2) By being involved with the eldership.

3) By supporting the preaching and teaching of the word of God.


1. We have noticed this evening four points regarding the office of the deacon.

1) The history of the office.

2) The responsibilities of the office.

3) The qualifications of the office.

4) The rewards of the office.

2. Invitation

1) If you are a Christian,

a. One is not a Christian because he is a deacon, but is a deacon because he is a Christian.

b. All of these qualifications (except for the family and being a husband) are enjoined upon Christians as well.

c. This means that the deacon, like the elder, exemplifies the best qualities of being a Christian.

d. These qualifications apply to all who are trying to live the Christian life.

e. Perhaps there are others who are considering becoming a deacon. We hope this lesson has helped you learn more.

2) If you are not a Christian . . .

a. We want you to live the life that Christians live.

b. Some of the things we have discussed tonight bear directly upon that life.

a) Would you be a servant?

b) Would you know God’s word?

c) Would you put God’s word into practice in your life?

d) Hear the word; Romans 10:17 “Faith comes by hearing . . .”

e) Believe with all your heart; Hebrews 11:6 “For without faith it is impossible . . . .”

f) Repent of your sins (Acts 17:30).

g) Confess Jesus as the Son of God (Matthew 16:16).

h) Be Baptized for the remission of your sins (Mark 16:15,16).