Baptism And Works
In debating with denominational preachers concerning the necessity of baptism for the remission of sins, Ephesians 2:8-9 is always referred to. One argument that is made in an
In debating with denominational preachers concerning the necessity of baptism for the remission of sins, Ephesians 2:8-9 is always referred to. One argument that is made in an
After turning 60 years of age a few years ago, this writer is thankful for life’s lessons, joys, blessings (and yes, even disappointments) found in living those 60 plus years. Even though there have been some difficult times, I’ve learned that the
Every day on one of our local radio and television stations, I’ve been listening to a beer commercial encouraging people to “drink responsibly” during the upcoming Super Bowl football game. Knowing that the consumption of only one alcoholic drink adversely
In Luke 14:1 – NKJV, we find Jesus having a meal in the house of one of the chief Pharisees. One of the invited guests who was eating with Him exclaimed:
We must be willing to investigate all religious teaching as to it’s validity. For example, there are “many” religious denominations in the world today, but there were absolutely no religious denominations in the first century (Note the phrase “one body” or “the body” in the following inspired passages: Ephesians 4:4; cf. Romans 12:4-5; 1 Corinthians […]
History tells us that when a society becomes addicted to pleasure and luxury, it soon ceases to exist through self-destruction. Tribulation ensures our survival by helping to instill within us the qualities of
The story is told of a small boy from a Chicago slum who was taken to the hospital with a broken leg. There were seven children in his family and their hunger often went unsatisfied. When such a commodity as a glass of milk could be afforded, it had to be shared by at least […]
A querist asks, In Jude 1:7 KJV, the passage refers to “strange flesh.” Can you please comment on what this phrase is referring to?
If we were ever invited to a meeting at the White House with the President, we would first encounter a protocol officer who would meet us and outline proper procedures for meeting
The story is told of a dear sister in Christ who one day passed away after a prolonged illness. On the table in the preacher’s home, were some pictures of the deceased — one of which was to be used for the
When we place our food order at a fast food restaurant, the cashier will sometimes ask us: “Would you like to supersize that?” In essence, they are asking us if we want more of what we are already getting.
A querist asks, “I’m puzzled about Christ’s requirement in Luke 14:26 to hate our families and even our own selves in order to be His disciple. Other passages in the New Testament
Because of my mother’s health problems and other pressing issues, I have decided to take a short sabbatical until the end of 2008.
A recent visitor queried Google for I Am Statements. Here are some lessons that feature “I Am Statements” by Jesus. I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life I am the Resurrection and the Life I Am the Light of the World I Am the Bread of Life I am the Good Shepherd
In matters pertaining to religion, God has given Christ “all authority” (Matthew 28:18 – NKJV; cf. John 14:6 – NKJV; Acts 4:12 – NKJV). When the authority of Christ is ignored
The words of the following poem by an unknown author are simple, yet profound, teaching a biblical principle:
Growing up on a farm, we had several settin’ hens. This hen goes around with her feathers all ruffled up with a terrible disposition. She never likes to be bothered by other chickens
The story is told of a man who placed a piece of cake on a table and put an ant on the cake. He was amused as he watched the little ant run off the cake, descend to the floor, and disappear in search of his friends.
The reason a mule balks at pulling a load, is not because he doesn’t hear the command “giddy up,” but simply because he would rather not hear it. His strength and ability to pull the load is more than sufficient, but his hearing the command to pull is hindered because he would rather
Wouldn’t this be a better world if all of us would remember the many kind deeds which others have selflessly bestowed on us instead of recalling every insult and perceived injustice? The following story is a powerful illustration of such a remembrance: