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Character of the Golden Rule

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by Andy Baker

Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets. -Matthew 7:12

The Golden Rule is:

Open-ended Whatever... Consider how many things positive actions could be taken for your spouse, your coworkers, your neighbors, or your children. Right now, around us, there are people hurting that could use a word of encouragement or an act of kindness. There are people who are continuing in sin who need a truthful rebuke in love. Look deeply for the opportunities.

Thoughtful – …you want men to do…People dream of being honored, exalted, or simply appreciated in some way. A spouse looks for kind words from their mate to say, “I appreciate you.” A child wishes to hear the words, “I love you” or “Good job.” You see, it requires thoughtful thinking about the way we would like to be treated. All this happens before we behave rudely, or get impatient, or let harsh words fly. I used to have a poster on my wall in my classroom that said, “think twice, act once.” Be thoughtful.

Loving – …to you…Paul said, “no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes it and cherishes it…” (Eph. 5:29). In context, he is talking about the way a husband treats his wife being like Christ treats the church. What a difference it would make in our marriages, our churches, our jobs, our relationships if “I treated you, as well as I treat me.” If we say it like scripture, “love your neighbor as yourself.”

Active – …do…Ever notice how much we struggle in being proactive in doing good things for others? If someone does something good for us, it makes it easier to want to “pay it forward.” Love is proactive. However, it should also be that when evil has been done to us, that practicing the Golden Rule means we overcome evil with good (Rom. 12:21). Get active practicing kindness.

Unselfish – …also to them… What a joy to be able to serve a God who sent His Son to selflessly die upon the cross for us. In a world that looks only after itself and seeks its own, how the Golden Rule needs to shine in our lives through unselfish words, actions, and thoughts. How much more should we show that same selfless love to others!  

Total – …for this is the Law and the prophets. As Jesus gave this in the conclusion of the Sermon on the Mount, He does not mince words with the totality that the Golden Rule in being applicable to our lives. In essence: do you want a summary verse that teaches how we should treat our neighbors, our friends, our enemies, our spouses, our children, our acquaintances in every situation imaginable? Practice the Golden Rule and you’ll seldom go wrong.