Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Jesus Is Calling — Will We Accept His Call?

The story is told of a woman who, during the course of driving to the grocery store, saw two stray dogs in an open field. Desiring to help them, she got out of her car and pursued them for over an hour, trying to call them to come her. Unable to do so, she drove […]

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There's No Smooth Sailing Here!

Once we resolve to obey God‘s salvation plan, it’s sometimes easy to assume that we‘ll have smooth sailing. When things go smooth, we think this proves that we’re in God’s will. However, if we run into trials (and we will – 1 Peter 1:6-7), we’re apt to conclude that both we and what we’re doing […]

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Seeing Through The Eye Of Faith

In listening to daily news reports of mischief, murder, and mayhem, isn’t it refreshing to hear some good news for a change? In Micah’s day, many people in Israel were eager to hear some good news. The ruthlessness and dishonesty of fellow-citizens, rulers, and even judges were extremely frightening (Micah 7:2-3).

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Undergoing Divine Surgery

A laryngoscopy consists of a camera with a light on the end to stick down the throat of a patient to try to find the cause of pain. God’s Word is like a laryngoscopy. It invades the unseen areas of our lives, exposing the diseased and damaged spiritual tissue that troubles us. If we’re wincing […]

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“If I Should Wake Before I Die”

The story is told about a young boy who was saying the words of the following well-known bedtime prayer after being tucked into bed by his mom: “Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul to keep; If I should die before I wake, I pray Thee, Lord, my soul […]

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I Wish I Would Pray Like I Eat

I can’t think of a day in my life that I went without food and didn’t notice it. And except for a few times of sickness, you would be hard pressed to find me on a day that I haven’t eaten numerous times. If I go for a couple of hours without eating, I know […]

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There's An Antidote For The Sting Of Sin!

Over the past few years, various warnings have been circulated about the danger posed by the “Violin Spider” — better known as the Brown Recluse spider. Zoologists who study arachnology (spiders and their relatives), say that this spider’s bite is relatively painless and the agonizing effects are not felt until hours later.

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A Look At Some Be Not's And Be's

The following Scriptures from the King James version of the Bible can be used as an outline for a class to comment on as well as a method of memorization. Some Be Not’s: Be not children in understanding: howbeit in malice be ye children, but in understanding be men (1 Corinthians 14:20 KJV).

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Devoting A Lifetime To The Christian Walk

During an interview, the great Polish pianist Ignace Paderewski (see videos) once stated, “It is not from choice that my life is music and nothing more, but when one is an artist what else can he be? When a whole lifetime is too short to attain the heights he wants to reach, how then can […]

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Lessons Learned From A Flock Of Geese

Scientists have discovered the secret of the great strength of the Canadian geese in their longs flights. Some flocks fly from the Hudson Bay area to the Midwest at a powerful 70 miles per hour, nonstop. Co-operating as a flock in a V-shaped formation, wingtip to wingtip, not one goose misses a stroke. They are […]

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Learning From Characters in the Bible Who Made Mistakes

The Bible is certainly not a written record of perfect people. In fact, it’s just the opposite. God’s word points out in painful detail the Bible characters who made mistakes. This is just one of the ways (there are many others) by which we can know that the Bible had to have originated from the […]

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The Good Salt Of Christian Influence

How much of the good salt of Christian influence do we have in us? Probably not as much as we should have. Thus, we often need to refresh our memories with our Lord’s precious words:

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About The “Here” And The “Hereafter”

The Bible is a very practical guidebook which contains principles that will improve our moral standards, bring joy to the sorrowful, and strengthen us in times of severe trial (cf. Philippians 4:8; James 1:12; 1 Peter 1:3-9). However, experiencing the thrill of God’s help with our trials and tribulations, sometimes causes us to forget the […]

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Do We Remember Grandma?

“Grandma used to get up on Sunday morning before daylight (at least mine did), cook a big breakfast for her very large family, milk three or four cows, churn butter, clean the house, kill and dress a couple of whole chickens, bathe and dress the kids, then go with the family in a horse-drawn buggy […]

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On Oratory Versus God's Truth

The story is told of a man who was trying to explain the meaning of the word “oratory.” He commented with tongue in cheek, “If you say black is white, that’s foolishness. But if while you say “black is white,” you roar like a bull, pound on the table with both fists, and race from […]

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Let Us Never Take Our Spiritual Freedom For Granted

As we celebrate this 4th of July with family and friends, we rejoice and are thankful for the many freedoms we have in our country that are many times taken for granted. Similarly, we rejoice in the spiritual freedom we have by faith in the sin-canceling death of Jesus, but do we realize at least […]

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Having An Exciting Expectancy

Years ago, I had several pet goldfish in an aquarium that I fed three times a day. Each time I approached the aquarium with their food, the goldfish would race toward me, their little mouths frantically opening and closing in eager anticipation of their expected treat. Why did the fish so furiously flap their fins? […]

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The Solution To Many Of America's Ills

The solution to many of America’s ills can be found in Deuteronomy 6-7, Psalms 78:1-8, and Ephesians 6:4. We’ve got to get God and His instructions regarding morality and godly living back into the home. When we do that, we’ll get God back into our nation. Teaching our children and grandchildren the inspired instructions found […]

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Recognizing A Profound Change In Direction

In 1865, the initial responsibility of the United States Secret Service in their creation, was to deal with counterfeiters in an attempt to protect the dollar, the end result being the protection of America’s national economy. However, this group of law enforcement officers experienced a change of direction in 1902. They became best known for […]

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Are We Just A Nobody? Guess Again!

We often hear people say things like: “I’m just a housewife,” or “I’m just a custodian,” or “I’m just a shoe salesman.” Underestimating one’s usefulness to God is nothing new. In Old Testament times, for example, when God looked for someone to conquer the troublesome Midianites, He chose unimpressive Gideon, calling him a “mighty man […]

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