Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Enjoy Your Wife!

Brother Steve Fontenot, one of the writers for the “Think On These Things” publication, wrote the following above titled article in the July-August-September, 2010 issue, that hopefully will motivate us to appreciate our wives more: The wise man, Solomon wrote:

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Some Mysteries We Need To Solve

The following article was written by Brother Dan Gibson, former preacher for the Montana Street congregation. In his article, Brother Gibson has seen a few mysteries that bother him and should bother us as well (I’ve added appropriate Scriptures and article links):

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Barbs …. With A Point

The following barbs of wisdom come from The Sword and Staff publication, 2011, Volume 49, Number 3; pg. 13 (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):

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The Impact Of Suggestive Music On Our Society

With the advent of Elvis Presley (see article) and the Beatles (see article) back in the mid 1950’s and early 1960’s, this writer has seen a steady moral deterioration of our society (the devil operates by degrees – Matthew 4:1-11). When Elvis was first introduced in 1956 on the Ed Sullivan show, gyrating his body […]

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Bring Christ Your Broken Life

From today’s Montana Street bulletin, comes the following article written by Brother Darwin Hunter, preacher for the Sunset congregation in Shreveport, Louisiana, regarding broken and damaged lives: I’m sure you recognize the above title as the name of a song often sung in worship assemblies. What a hopeful thought it is to know that we […]

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Christianity In Action

The story is told of a man who once worked for a coal company. Near the company offices was a railroad, and each day, several freight trains would pass by. The man often noticed that the owner of the company would throw chunks of coal over the fence at various places along the track. One […]

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We Must Do Better!

From today’s Montana Street bulletin, comes the following selected article by an unknown author, regarding relationships with our brethren in Christ: The scribes and Pharisees would like to have thought of themselves as the standard of measurement for righteous living in the days of Christ. They were the champions of orthodoxy, the defenders of the […]

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Another Look At The Ant

From my childhood days, I’ve always been fascinated by God’s little amazing creatures called the ant (Proverbs 6:6-8). They scurry to and fro each day just like clock work (like they were preprogrammed), gathering food stock to be stored for the winter, so they can survive. Solomon uses the ant to applaud hard work and […]

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“Everybody Just Worked Together”

In today’s online ABC News, staff writer Colleen Curry, provides us an updated report on the condition of Brandon Wright, a 21 year old student at Utah State University, who was recently pulled from beneath a BMW after crashing into it with his motorcycle.

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Power To Become

The following above titled section, is from a book that I have in my library, called “Quiet Thoughts” by Paul S. McElroy (Mount Vernon, NY: Peter Pauper Press, 1964), 54-55. In this particular section of his book, Mr. McElroy provides us some positive and concrete ideas on how we can help other folks achieve their […]

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Worship God

As the book of Revelation opens, the apostle John had been banished to the island of Patmos “because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus” (Revelation 1:9 NASB). On the Lord’s Day, he received a revelation of Jesus Christ. Marvelous indeed are the things which are told! By the time one reaches […]

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“Time Changes All Things”

There’s a whole lot of truth in the above titled phrase. Time does indeed change all things. Whole societies and the individuals who make up those societies are changed — sometimes very dramatically. For example, in just the past twenty-five years, I have lost a great many of my relatives and friends due to death. […]

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Exchanging The Fear Of Terror For Peace And Praise

After the terrorist bombing of New York’s twin towers on September 11, 2001, there still remains this truth: From New York to Indonesia, warnings and threats of terrorist attacks continue to this day. Terrorism derives its sting by exporting fear. In our country today, a paranoia of fear exists because no one feels safe.

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Let's Be Careful Of The So-Called “Bargains” We Find!

The story is told of a man who loved to collect antique books. One day, he met a fellow book lover who had just thrown away an old Bible that had been stored in the attic of his ancestral home for generations. “I threw it away because I couldn’t read it,” his book lover friend […]

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“Be A Bridge For People”

Brother Brad Harrub, director and co-founder of Focus Press (see article) and co-editor of Think Magazine, wrote the following encouraging comments on Facebook this morning:

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Mary Margaret Tells The Story Of Jonah

A delightful and innocent little girl by the name of Mary Margaret uniquely tells the story of Jonah and the big fish that God prepared as a wake-up call to get Jonah’s attention (Jonah 1-4). She is one of the best Bible story tellers I’ve ever heard, and it does my old heart good to […]

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Praise The Lord For Our Victorious Outcome!

The story is told of a cowboy who one day applied for an insurance policy. The insurance agent asked him, “Have you ever had any accidents?” After a moment’s pause, the cowboy responded, “Nope, but a bronc did kick in two of my ribs last summer, and a couple of years ago, a rattlesnake bit […]

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Reading The Bible Introduces Us To The Great Physician

Unbelief, laziness, busyness, and just plain indifference, are just some of the reasons folks give for not reading the Bible. Gamaliel Bradford, one of the most distinguished biographers of modern times wrote, “I do not read the New Testament for fear of its awakening a storm of anxiety and self-reproach and doubt and dread of […]

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Life Is All A Matter Of Perspective

Over the years, this writer has observed that there are folks who have an eternal perspective of life, and then there are folks who are preoccupied with the present. One individual is absorbed with the permanent, while another individual is absorbed with the temporary. One stores up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:20), while the other […]

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God Is Looking For Peace Seekers!

In Psalm 34:14, the Psalmist tells us regarding peace: “Depart from evil, and do good; seek peace, and pursue it.” Unity in the church, the home, and the community are both “good and pleasant.” King David said, “Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1). Christians are […]

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