Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

Perfect In Heaven

Those who dwell in heaven for eternity will be spiritually perfect. In this life on earth, God’s people long for holiness. Yet, sin is all around us. Christians strive against sin and yet succumb to it at times. The most devout Christians are keenly conscious of their shortcomings. In heaven, where sin is altogether excluded […]

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“May You Live In Interesting Times”

There’s a proverb and curse often attributed to the ancient Chinese, although the saying is actually of Western origin and relatively recent (dating back to 1950). The saying is: “May you live in interesting times.” The implication of the curse is that “interesting times” are certain to be trouble-ridden and disturbing.

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“There’s An All-Seeing Eye Watching You”

Back in the 1940’s when this writer was growing up, we would sing an old sacred song entitled, “Watching You.” The first verse says: “All along on to the road to the soul’s true abode, there’s an Eye watching you; Every step that you take this great Eye is awake, there’s an Eye watching you.“

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Heeding Our Own Warnings

When a member of the Lord’s body is overcome by a fault, he may be heading toward an impossible situation, unless he is

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Go Ahead And Shock Someone Today!

We pride ourselves in keeping updated on current events, important issues around the world, and our community.

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Jesus Still Weeps

The shortest text in the Bible is found in John 11:35, where the Scripture says, “Jesus wept.” Jesus was so heart broken over Lazarus’ death, that He “wept” (John 11:1-35). On another occasion, we read again of Jesus’ being heart broken over the fact that God’s chosen people (Israel) had rejected Him as the Messiah. […]

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Three “Walks”

In Ephesians 5, there are three “walks” mentioned. Each one of these “walks” is very important, not only for us to consider, but to make a daily application of in our lives as followers of Christ. The first “walk” mentioned is “walk in love” (Ephesians 5:2). Christians are to express the same kind of agape […]

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Portraying An Image Of Godliness

Every person wishing to visit someone in our local prison, must pass through an area with posted signs which give visitors various warnings and cautions.  One such sign regarding proper dress was posted at least four different times in key locations. All other signs were

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Why Was David A Man After God's Own Heart?

In 1 Samuel 13:14, we learn that in God’s eyes, David was a man after His own heart, unlike Saul, who had presumptuously offered a sacrifice to God that was unauthorized for him to offer, because he was not a priest (1 Samuel 13:8-13; cf. 1 Samuel 7:7-10).

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“Do Not Fret Because Of Evildoers”

In light of the recent tragedy in Aurora, Colorado, let us be encouraged by David’s Psalm 37 regarding the destiny of evildoers:

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Which Church Will You Look For?

There are literally thousands of different churches in the United States all claiming to teach the truth of God. We need to ask ourselves, “Why are there so many different churches with different names and beliefs?” Is God the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33)? In looking for a church, which church will you look […]

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Delight In The Law Of The Lord!

Mr. William McPherson had a charge of dynamite go off in his face which resulted in the loss of his eyes, hands and the feeling in parts of his face. He realized how much the Bible meant to him and how greatly he needed its strength, but he could not read the Bible in Braille […]

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Pre-Campbell Christianity

On various Internet Bible forums this writer has been a member of, forum members of the denominational persuasion have posted the claim that churches of Christ were originated by Alexander Campbell.

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Is Suicide Ever A Solution?

According to the National Institute Of Mental Health statistics in 2004, suicide was the 11th leading cause of death in the United States. It was the eighth leading cause of death for males, and 19th leading cause of death for females. In this brief article, let us study why suicide is not a viable option […]

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“Delivering One To Satan” And Forgiveness

A querist asks, “Could someone please explain I Corinthians 5:1-13 concerning the fornicator and the process that is to be followed today? Also does Matthew 18:21-35, about forgiving a brother 70 times 7 times apply here and if so how could it? I would appreciate input as soon as possible as we are dealing with […]

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“Them That Are Without”

Regarding Mark 4:11-12, a querist asks, “Who are those that are without? Is Verse 12 stating he did not want the people without to understand or be forgiven?” The phrase, “them that are without” used in Mark 4:11 refers to unbelievers (1 Corinthians 5:12; Colossians 4:5; 1 Thessalonians 4:12; 1 Timothy 3:7). Christ is not […]

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What Success Is

Success is speaking words of praise, In cheering other people’s ways, In doing just the best you can, With every task and every plan.

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Life’s Not The Breaths We Take

Contained in country music star George Strait’s very meaningful and beautiful ballad entitled, “The Breath You Take,” are the following lyrics: “But life’s not the breath you take, the breathing in and out That gets you through the day, ain’t what it’s all about You just might miss the point trying to win the race […]

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A Question About Guardian Angels

A querist asks, “Does Matthew 18:10 teach the concept of guardian angels? Matthew 18:10 KJV states:

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Satisfying The Thirsty Soul

In Psalm 42:1, the Psalmist compares the physical thirst of a deer with spiritual thirst: “As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You, O God.”

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