“The Secret Place Of Thunder”
When a storm arrives over El Paso, thunder rolls across the Franklin Mountains, crashing and echoing through the peaks and canyons, shaking the ground with deafening sounds
When a storm arrives over El Paso, thunder rolls across the Franklin Mountains, crashing and echoing through the peaks and canyons, shaking the ground with deafening sounds
In one of Charles Schultz’ Peanuts comic strips, the character Marcie gives her schoolteacher some flowers. Not to be outdone, Peppermint Patty says to the teacher, “I
A querist asks, “The Bible talks about Cain getting married. My question is who did he marry? If Adam and Eve where the only people in the beginning, where did Cain’s mate come from?”
A querist asks, “In Genesis 1:2, the text says that the earth was without form and void, and the spirit of God moved on the water. If it is void (empty), how can there be form or water? The phrase, “without form” (Strong’s 8414) in the Hebrew means “desolation.” The Hebrew word for “void” means […]
One day while meeting with His disciples by the sea of Galilee (Tiberias), Jesus asked Simon Peter a heart-searching question when He asked, “Do you love Me?” (John 21:17 – NKJV). Then the risen Lord told His disciple Peter that his future would lead to
A querist asks, “What is a good approach to help one who is a Christian but feels as if they are going to hell in a handbasket?“
A querist asks, “In Genesis 4:15, what is the mark set upon Cain? Does anyone know?”
After substituting in our local school libraries for nine years, I found that my favorite sections of the library are history and science. Let’s imagine for a moment if one Saturday
When the first explorers entered Peru, they found huge, impressive buildings that may have been standing for 2,000 years. These ancient Inca structures (see pictures) were
In Daniel 1:3, we read of Ashpenaz, a high court official in ancient Babylon, who was committed to banishing any testimony of Israel’s God from his kingdom. His strategy
The story is told of a submarine that lay disabled on the ocean floor. Several days passed and the crew lost hope of being rescued. The prospect was especially dim because they
A querist asks, “If a man and woman get married then get divorced, then the man goes and remarries, we know that he (and his new wife) has committed adultery. But say him
A querist asks, “In Matthew 21:12-22 We see Jesus cleanse the temple (Matthew 21:12-13) and then leave the city (Matthew 21:17) and then curse the fig tree (Matthew 21:19). In Mark 11:12-18, we see Jesus curse the fig tree (Mark 11:13-14) and enter the
Roman emperors are not generally remembered for their wisdom, but there are a few exceptions. One such exception was Marcus Aurelius, a great thinker and emperor of
The correct attitude that we as Christians should have toward the call of the world versus the call of God, is exemplified in the apostle Paul
If we’ve ever stood on the side of a cliff and peered over the edge, there’s a funny feeling we get in the pit of our stomach that is a natural reaction to the danger of heights and falling. It is called
A querist asks, “I just finished reading the New Testament and was wondering if there is a certain way to study the Bible. Where should I begin reading next?”
As Jesus was passing through Samaria on His way to Jerusalem, He sent messengers ahead to prepare a place. However, the villagers refused Him because they had no
When we pray, we should know and do the following: Acknowledge that our help comes from above (Psalm 121:1-2).
A querist asks, “Were the original writings of the New Testament written in Hebrew or Greek, and what is the earliest reliable manuscript?”