Addiction and the Christian – Part 2
Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: Addiction and the Christian
Family must help each other to prevent and eliminate addiction. It is best to discuss these things before they become a problem. What are your attitudes toward addictive items? Has anyone participated been addicted before? What were the results? What would you do if a family member started on a path of abuse? Agreeing upon plan to discuss addiction goes a long way toward eliminating the behavior because family members know there will be a conversation if it occurs. This is a preventative measure but is not a guarantee.
Identify problems early. Addicts may not see what is happening to them as addiction creates blindness to one’s state. It is easy for others, however, to see the behavior for what it is. It is important that families have a relationship where members can talk about these issues. Discussing the behavior is the first step to remedying it.
What can one do for the addicted? For non-substance addictions, talking about the problem is a must. For addiction to work, talk about how spending less time at the office, and work a regular work week. If the addiction is to talking, set some quiet time reading a book or listening to music. One does not need to talk to be appreciated. Discuss sex addictions directly. Talk about what is acceptable and not acceptable. For food addictions, avoid all-you-can-eat buffets; encourage one another to eat healthy meals low in calories. In terms of potency, sugar is as addictive or even more so than many drugs. Find things to do besides eating. Go for a walk, drive, or other outdoor activity. Play a board game. Get the mind off food. Food is often one’s “go to” activity when there is nothing else to do.
God bless you, and I love you.
Kevin Cauley