Addiction and the Christian – Part 1
Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: Addiction and the Christian
When we think of addiction, we think about things like drugs, tobacco, and alcohol. Many are addicted to these substances, and many will lose their lives because of it. There are other things, however, to which a person may be addicted. One may be addicted to his job. We call these people workaholics. A person may be addicted to talking or anger. Pornography is a great addiction for many. In his book, Removing Emotional Pain, Ron Wilkins lists the top ten addictions of his time. They are in order: 1) anger, 2) talking, 3) sex, 4) food, 5) tobacco, 6) alcohol, 7) drugs, 8) stealing, 9) gambling, and 10) work. We could probably add “electronics” to this list today. Does any of this surprise you? Does the order surprise you? It is no wonder that the Bible has much to say about all these topics.
Jesus sums up confronting addiction in John 8:34, “Jesus answered them, ‘Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.’” Sin is addictive and will enslave us if we are not freed from it. Paul wrote in Romans 6:16, “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one’s slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?” The consequence of sin is that it will enslave our entire life. In 2 Peter 2:18-19, Peter wrote, “For when they speak great swelling words of emptiness, they allure through the lusts of the flesh, through lewdness, the ones who have actually escaped from those who live in error. While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption; for by whom a person is overcome, by him also he is brought into bondage.”
God bless you and I love you.
Kevin Cauley