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Why Have Unity?

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Unity in the Church

Date written: May 7th, 2005
Scripture ref: Philippians 2:1,2

SUBJECT: Unity, Church

TITLE: Why Have Unity?

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will set forth three reasons why we ought to have unity. 1) Jesus prayed for it. 2) Paul pleaded for it. 3) The Holy Spirit prescribed it.

Objectives: That each would desire to have unity within the body of Christ.

Aim: To teach God’s plan for unity among believers and to help all come to a better understanding of what this means.


1. Read: Philippians 2:1,2

2. About the Text:

1) Paul’s joy was that the church have unity.

2) If the church has any consolation, comfort, fellowship, and mercy, there will be unity.

3) We hear calls for unity throughout the religious world.

4) But what we see in the religious world today is not unity.

5) It is division with a facade of unity.

6) We ought not settle for false unity; we ought to have true unity among believers.

7) But why?

3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.


I.   Jesus prayed for it.

1. Read John 17:20-23 and comment.

2. Vs. 20 — This is Jesus prayer for you and me.

3. Vs. 21 — We see in this verse the desire for unity, the standard for unity, and the purpose of unity.

4. Vs. 22 — Jesus reiterates the desire for unity.

5. Vs. 23 — Jesus reiterates the standard and purpose of unity.

1) Jesus standard is high, but we must reach for it.

2) The purpose is our goal in life — to reach others for Christ.

6. Do we desire unity as Jesus desired it?

II.  Paul pleaded for it.

1. Read 1 Corinthians 1:10-13

2. Vs. 10 — We must be united to the point that we agree on everything that is doctrinal and agree on what are matters of opinion.

3. Vs. 11 — When we have division, others will know about it.

4. Vs. 12 — It is sinful to have divisions based upon men.

5. Vs. 13 — Christ is the standard for unity and He is not divided.

1) Our sins were not paid for by men.

2) Our baptism wasn’t in any man’s authority.

6. Do we recognize the sinfulness of divisions?

III. The Holy Spirit prescribed it.

1. Ephesians 4:1-16 — We see in this passage . . .

2. The desire for unity (1-3).

1) It is the Holy Spirit’s desire that we have unity.

2) We must endeavor for it.

3. The foundation of unity (4-6).

1) We have the basis for unity — the doctrine of Christ.

2) We must believe that which is right.

4. The work of unity (7-13).

1) We have the talent to have unity. (1 Cor.12)

2) We must use our talents for unity. (1 Peter 4:11)

5. The results of unity (14-16).

1) To grow up.

2) To be a whole body in Christ.


1. Why ought we to have unity?

1) Jesus prayed for it.

2) Paul pleaded for it.

3) The Holy Spirit prescribed it.

2. Invitation