What is the Name of the Church – Part 2
Categories: Bulletin Articles, Church of Christ Bulletin Articles Tags: What is the Name of the Church?So how should one go about naming a church? We have already discussed that the name should reflect what is in scripture. The name should be something that honors Christ, as it is His church (Matthew 16:18). The name should honor the Husband of the church just as a bride in our society seeks to honor her husband by taking his name (Ephesians 5:23). The name of the church should honor her King and Creator (Revelation 17:14). The name of the church should honor her Lord and God (Acts 20:28). For these reasons, we have the name “church of Christ.” This is not exclusive of any other scriptural name.
One last point regarding the name; just because you have a name found in the Bible that honors our Lord and God, does not necessarily mean that what the church is DOING is scriptural. To be the church found in the New Testament other identifying features must be observed as well. The church must have scriptural organization; the church must have scriptural worship; the church must have a scriptural mission; and the church must preach scriptural terms of salvation and the proper way to live the Christian life. This is what truly identifies the New Testament church.
Does the name of the church you are a member of reflect and honor our one Lord and God Jesus the Christ? I hope so. I also hope that the church of which you are a member reflects the identity of the New Testament church. If your church does not reflect that then I suggest you find a church that does. At the church of Christ, we strive to do just that, and we invite you to come and judge us in this regard. We invite constructive criticism. We want to know if we are not. We want to be transformed into the identity of Christ.
God bless you, and I love you.
Kevin Cauley