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What Can I Do?

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I remember in my youth playing little league baseball. To play a game there had to be players, coaches, umpires, statisticians, groundskeepers, announcers, fans, even someone to clean up afterward. Everyone seemed to be happy to do their job, even if it was remembering to bring the bubblegum. There’s no game with just players. As you read this I exhort you to remember that it is no different in the Lord’s church. All have a part to play, all have a job to do, all are important (1 Cor. 12:14-18). Ask the question, “What can I do to make the work of the church a success?” Immediately the high-profile jobs come to mind, however only a few can be elder, deacon and preacher. Such things require much preparation and you may not be prepared to that degree. I’m going to assume you have little in the way of preparation, you’re attending regularly and giving liberally. So, on to the question, What can I do?

Market your congregation’s website. I think you can understand why I thought of this first. Websites are what I do. Your e-mail program will allow you to create a signature file which includes your name and whatever other information you’d like to include. Check the help files of the e-mail program for instructions. Include your congregation’s web address in every personal e-mail you send out. If everyone in the congregation did this it would go a long way toward making sure everyone knows about it. You might also include other good sites that deserve your support. Buy a stamp with the web address on it and stamp all of your bill envelopes with it. Someone will see it. There may be other opportunities that you have that I cannot see. Search these out and use them to get the word out about your congregation.

Get serious about distributing tracts. Most congregations have tracts available in the foyer for you to use and you should. I’m talking about going a little farther than that. It doesn’t cost all that much to buy a hundred of a title every month for the purpose of distributing them. Stamp them on the back with the congregation’s physical address and web address and hand them out. I know it feels weird doing it but it will propel you forward to the day when you’ll actually be able to talk to others about the plan of salvation. Give them to people you know. Mail them to your neighbors. (It’s against the law to put things in other’s mailboxes.) Go downtown and hand them out on the sidewalk. In most cities it’s not unusual for there to be someone handing out tracts downtown. Stand up straight, have a smile on your face and look like everyone should want what you have to offer. Most people are nicer than you think. It’s easier if you don’t go alone, even if your partner doesn’t participate but will stand nearby. Please don’t put the tracts under windshield wipers or go to private property (malls, strip centers, etc.) to hand them out. Treat the tract like a gift. For this purpose choose titles that introduce the church of Christ, give the plan of salvation or that give information about a major topic of interest (ask the leaders of your congregation).

Visit the elderly and shut-ins. For a moment pretend that you’ve been active in the church for fifty years or more, have become infirm and you’re alone. You counted on church members to edify you when you were able to attend but now there is no one. You needed those sermons, the prayers, the singing, all of it, but now there’s nothing but soap operas on TV. In the bulletin, in a large portion of churches of Christ, there is a list of those who are exactly in this position. It’s your job to make sure they never feel forgotten. Call them, send them cards on their special days, visit them, bring a cassette tape of last Sunday’s sermon, sing with them, read the Bible to them, listen to their stories. Edify them. Perhaps they have physical needs you can fill or you can let an elder or deacon know if you can’t. You’ll be a very appreciated person.

If those three suggestions don’t suit you I’m sure your elders can come up with something for you to do. The things I have suggested are things that, I believe, could make a huge difference if more participated. They don’t take any training, don’t require supervision and will have eternal consequences. Let’s all go to work in the kingdom.