Let's Throw Someone A Flower!

The story is told of a little girl who wore a white frock and was carrying a large bouquet of flowers. As she passed by a boy who was playing in the dusty street, he saw how she was dressed. Having a mischievous spirit, the boy threw a handful of dirt at the little girl, […]

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“What If God Should Go On Strike?”

From time to time, we hear of various workers going on strike for whatever reason. Perhaps we need to ask the question, “What if God should go on strike?” The following is a poem by an unknown author, that emphasizes our need for God and His gracious supply of everything we need to sustain life […]

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Setting Ourselves Apart For God

In Scripture, the word “hallow” is a synonym for the word “sanctify.” When we hallow or sanctify something, we set it apart as being holy. Paul urged Timothy to be a vessel sanctified [“hallowed”] and useful to our Master by pursuing “righteousness, faith, love, [and] peace with those who call on the

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God's Love Is Deeper Than The Deepest Ocean

Near the island of Guam is the Mariana Trench, the deepest place on earth. On January 23, 1960, Jacques Piccard and Donald Walsh climbed into a submersible vessel and were lowered into the cold, lonely darkness of the Pacific ocean (see video). Their descent set a world record and has never been repeated.

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We Are “Fearfully And Wonderfully Made”

While recently surfing the Internet, I read that hummingbirds can fly backwards, but I wanted to confirm that information. So one morning, I observed hummingbirds coming to a hummingbird feeder at my father’s house.

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A Psalm Of Life

Today, I read the above titled poem by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow to a fourth grade library class. As I read each section of the poem, I gave a short analysis of each section using today’s terminology. Appropriate related Scriptures have been added.

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God's Power Is Beyond Amazing!

In 1977, the United States launched a rocket into space. On board was a small craft called Voyager I, a probe that was jettisoned into space to explore the planets. After Voyager was done sending back photos and data from the planet Jupiter and its neighbors, it didn’t stop working. It just kept going.

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“To the preacher, life’s a sermon, To the joker, life’s a jest, To the miser, life is money, To the loafer, life’s a rest.

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When God Gives Us Up

When man refuses to see the abundant proof of God’s eternal power and divine attributes in the created world, he “glorifies Him not as God, neither is thankful.” (Romans 1:21). In reading Romans 1:20, we learn that God has a divine nature. All who recognize God’s divine nature, glorify Him with the honor so justly due […]

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“And Let Us Not Grow Weary”

Many times in our Christian walk, it becomes very discouraging to continue to do good and receive no word of thanks or see no tangible results. However, Paul challenges us to keep on doing good because in due time we will reap that eternal reward.

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Our Tendency Toward Complacency

One of the greatest difficulties in serving God in this country is the tendency toward complacency. In America, we are blessed with laws which protect us from persecution, and we are individually blessed with a wealth which exceeds almost any country in history. Even today, much of the world would be amazed at what we […]

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Twelve Things To Do Daily

1) Daily thank the Lord for providing the many spiritual benefits we enjoy (Psalm 68:19). 2) Daily cry to the Lord for His mercy (Psalm 86:3). 3) Daily make application of the wisdom found in God’s word (Proverbs 8:32-35).

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“Stand Fast”

Elijah’s question that he asked in 1 Kings 18:21, is just as forceful and applicable today as it was when he asked it. Brethren, it is extremely important the we “stand fast” in the faith (1 Corinthians 16:13) and “stand fast” in the Lord (Philippians 4:1),

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The Importance Of Healthy Eyes

The amount of light received and distributed to the body depends on the power and accuracy of the eye that receives it. A diseased eye will prevent the access of light and the darkness becomes profound to those who are accustomed to light.

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“Let Another Man Praise You”

There’s an old fable that tells the story of two geese who were about to start southward on their annual autumn migration, when they were entreated by a frog to take him with them.

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Serving The Lord With Enthusiasm

Henry Ford once stated, “You can do anything if you have enthusiasm. Enthusiasm is the yeast that makes your hopes rise to the stars. Enthusiasm is the spark in your eye, the swing in your gait, the grip of your

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“In Everything Give Thanks”

Well-known Bible scholar, Matthew Henry, once made the following comments after he had been robbed:

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Can You Please Listen For My Bell?

Just up the road from our home is a field, with two horses in it. From a distance, each looks like every other horse. But if you stop your car, or are walking by, you will notice something quite amazing. Looking into the eyes of one horse will disclose that he is blind. His owner […]

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True Giving From The Heart

The story is told of a country school whose principal thought it would be good to take up donations for destitute children at Christmas time. As days passed, the principal observed there was not much interest among the students.

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When Trouble Comes Our Way

When life begins to tumble in, when trouble comes, when there seems to be a new crisis every day and when it appears all our dreams are being shattered, what can we do? Is there anyone we can turn to for help? Is there any word of encouragement or advice?

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