What We Need
A little dash of purpose, An effort made to cheer, A little more of courage, And less of doubt and fear; A little more of lifting, And pulling all our weight, A little less of leaning, And leaving it to fate.
A little dash of purpose, An effort made to cheer, A little more of courage, And less of doubt and fear; A little more of lifting, And pulling all our weight, A little less of leaning, And leaving it to fate.
Sometimes we will say, ”I have an idea,” and we know what we mean by that, but from another viewpoint, ideas have us! The idea of world dominion possessed Hitler, and look what happened! That was a negative, destructive idea and it led to drastic results. But as we know, there are wholesome, sound, and uplifting […]
Shauna Niequist is one of the writers for “Today’s Christian Woman.” She has written an above titled article which emphasizes the importance of gathering around the table and eating with our family.
The images of God in both the Old and the New Testaments are varied and interesting. I have only written on a few of them. When studying your Bibles you will find many more.
A favorite image for God in several of the psalms is that of a thunderstorm. God’s power is violent and turbulent as a tornado. The thunderstorm represents God as a physical manifestation of His mighty power. Using natural phenomena to evoke an experience of the divine is not unusual in the Hebrew Scriptures.
While getting a few items at the local grocery store today, a lady came up to me and told me about a discount grocery coupon for three pounds of strawberries that I had just placed in my grocery cart. She told me that the discount coupon for three dollars off the regular price of six […]
There was once a group of women studying on the book of Malachi. As they were studying Chapter three, they came across verse three which says, “He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver” (Malachi 3:3). This verse puzzled the women and they wondered what this statement meant about the character and nature […]
“IT IS GOOD” To Recognize God’s Authority “I will praise thee for ever, and I will wait on thy name for it is good before thy saints” (Psalm 52:9 KJV; Psalm 54:6 KJV).
In reading United States history, we read that there was an intense hatred between the North and South during the Civil War over slavery (and other issues). President Lincoln was often criticized for speaking of benevolent treatment for Southern rebel forces.
Thy Word, O Lord, is my delight; ‘Tis manna to my hungry soul; It is a never failing light That marks the reef and rocky shoal.
In James 1:12, James speaks of a Christian man who endures temptation. This is the child of God who is targeted by Satan because he leans on the strength of the Lord to overcome the powerful road blocks that are put in his way as he strives to obey God.
Sometimes my mind goes wandering back To an old familiar country road. I can smell sweet honeysuckle blooms Beside a creek that gleamed as it flowed.
It’s easy to find fault with others, isn’t it? But let’s think about the following thoughts: If it’s the case that our all-knowing God is the only entity who knows everything about us (1 John 3:20; cf. Matthew 10:30), including our mistakes and frailties (Psalm 39:4-7), and if it’s the case that we as mortal […]
When the church in Jerusalem heard that people in Antioch had turned to the Lord, they sent Barnabas to Antioch. The Bible says that when Barnabas had arrived and had seen the grace of God, he was glad “and exhorted them all that with purpose of heart they would cleave unto the Lord” (Acts 11:23 […]
The story is told of a farmer and his son who went into the field to check the progress of the wheat crop. The boy looked across the waving grain stalks. He noticed that in the field, many stalks were bending over while others were standing tall.
Never go to your church or meetings held there, If you do go, be late, it’s no one’s affair. If the weather is bad, either too hot or snowing, Just stay home and rest, for there’ll be others going.
Driving my usual route home one day, I noticed the handwritten sign in front of a large church building. In big, bold letters, someone had written….”God is watching you.” That caught my eye. Of course, He is watching me but seeing those words in print made me think how much God really does know about […]
The above titled article written by Leslie Diestelkamp (1911-1995), first appeared in the publication, THINK, Vol. 8, No. 4, dated July-August, 1977. The article points out the fact that if we love Jesus, we’ll love our neighbors without respect of persons (James 2:9).
Irish writer and poet Oscar Wilde once remarked, “I can resist anything but temptation” (source). He obviously understood human weakness and frailty. The follower of Christ who yields to temptation, soon becomes separated from God (Isaiah 59:1-2). He or she is then classified as one who has “missed the mark” (Strong’s 266) — a sinner […]
“Bloom where you are planted,” I heard a quiet voice say: “But, Lord,” I protested, “I’m getting older, and beginning to get gray.