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Things That Unite–One Hope

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Date written: September 11th, 2004
Scripture ref: Ephesians 4:1-6


TITLE: Things That Unite – One Hope

PROPOSITION: The Christian has one hope for 1) justification, 2) motivation, and 3) salvation.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to state how hope unites.

AIM: To teach about hope and encourage toward unity.


1. Read: Ephesians 4:1-6

2. About the Text:

1) We must endeavor to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

2) The standard for us to so do is the doctrine that we find in the New Testament.

3) Of those doctrines, Paul lists seven which upon which we can focus to do that.

4) We’ve discussed the unifying factors surrounding one body and one Spirit.

5) Today we look at the Christian’s one hope.

3. Unity in hope.

1) What is it about having hope that is unifying?

2) It is having a common goal.

3) Sharing the same vision.

4) Looking for the same results.

5) Working with the same efforts to obtain those results.

6) Take rowing teams for example.

a. They usually have a “caller.”

b. One slight deviation causes the boat to go off course.

c. They must stay together in order to achieve optimum efficiency.

d. The best in this sport are united.

e. It is the hope of victory that unites.

4. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: The Christian has hope for…

I.   Justification

1. Hicham El Guerrouj

1) This name may sound familiar to you if you watched the Olympic games.

2) Guerrouj is from the country of Morocco and holds 7 of the 8 fastest times in the 1500 meters.

3) But he had never won a gold medal at the Olympics.

4) In 1998 running in first place, he stumbled.

5) In 2000 he was out-sprinted in the last 100 meters coming in 2nd.

6) At 30 years old, the 2004 Olympics were his last and only hope for justification.

7) Guerrouj won not only one, but two gold medals.

2. Jesus is the only hope that mankind has for justification.

1) Because of man’s sin, he is separated from God (Isaiah 59:2).

2) There is no remedy that man can invent and apply to heal the division (Isaiah 64:6).

3) There is only ONE hope for man’s salvation from sin (Romans 7:24, 25a).

4) In no other name is there salvation (Acts 4:12).

5) We are justified by Jesus today in hope of eternal life (Titus 3:4-7).

6) It is by that hope that we draw near to God today (Heb.7:19).

3. How does this unite us?

1) We are one in recognizing in whom our hope lies.

2) We are one in submitting in obedience to this one hope.

3) We are one in appealing to others to come to this hope.

4. There is only one hope for man’s justification today, the gospel of Jesus (Col.1:23).

5. Song: “My Hope Is Built On Nothing Less” (Song 438)

II.  Motivation

1. The Klondike Gold Rush

1) In August of 1896 it was reported that there was gold in the Klondike river.

2) Tens of thousands came from California and other places.

3) From Skagway, Alaska, the supply station and starting off point, it was another 600 miles to the goldfields in Yukon territory.

4) Thousands arrived only to find that all the claims had been staked.

5) By August of 1898, the rush was over.

6) What motivated all of these people to travel all that distance, invest all of the money that they had and endure so many hardships that they endured?

7) The hope of “striking it rich.”

2. Hope motivates.

1) It is the reason why we have so many songs on heaven.

2) These songs motivate us so that one day we can obtain that hope.

3) Having that hope, we are encouraged to live the way we ought to live.

3. The hope of the Christian is based upon the promise of God that if we are faithful God will reward.

1) Hebrews 6:15-20 – God cannot lie; our hope is a sure thing.

2) 1 Peter 1:13-16 – Because of our great hope, we are motivated to live holy lives.

3) 1 John 3:2, 3 – Because of the specific hope of being like Jesus one day, we live pure lives.

4. How does this unite?

1) When we share the same motivation, we can accomplish more.

2) When we share the same motivation, we will want to work together to get there.

3) When we share the same motivation, we will help each other keep sin out of our lives.

III. Salvation

1. Aron Ralston

1) For Aron Ralston, it was just another Spring day climbing rocks until a boulder fell pinning his arm.

2) Aron waited for several days for rescue workers to arrive.

3) But after running out of water and realizing that his survival was at stake, he took out his pocket knife and amputated his own arm.

4) For Aron, Salvation was life and while he was still alive, he had hope for salvation and was willing to do whatever was necessary in order to be saved.

2. The Christian has a hope for eternal salvation today – eternal life.

1) 1 Thess.5:8 – hope of salvation is our helmet in the Christian warfare.

2) Titus 3:7 – because of Jesus we have hope for eternal life.

3) 1 Thess.2:19 – our hope is to be in Jesus presence at his coming.

4) Col.1:5 – our hope is truly in heaven.

3. How does this unite?

1) We have a common goal.

2) We have a common interest.

3) We have a common end.

4) What does a team do when they get to the end of their goal successfully together?

5) They rejoice and celebrate – together!


1. Hope unites! The Christian has a common hope in

1) Justification

2) Motivation

3) Salvation

2. Invitation

1) What is your hope, dear friend?

2) Are you a Christian?

a. Have you lost sight of your hope and drifted back into the world?

b. Renew yourself today and recommit to that great hope we have in Christ.

3) If you are not a Christian this morning…

a. You need the hope that is in Christ, in the gospel!

b. Hear the word; Romans 10:17 “Faith comes by hearing…”

c. Believe with all your heart; Hebrews 11:6 “For without faith it is impossible…”

d. Repent of your sins (Acts 17:30).

e. Confess Jesus as the Son of God (Matt. 16:16).

f. Be Baptized for the remission of your sins (Mark 16:15-16).