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The Preciousness of the Church

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Date written: June 30th, 2002
Scripture ref: Matthew 16:18


TITLE: The Preciousness of the Church

PROPOSITION: To set forth the scriptures that indicate how precious the church is to God and Christ.

OBJECTIVES: Each member should understand that the church is precious and valuable to God.

AIM: To teach each member the importance and preciousness of understanding God’s purpose in the church.


1. Read: Matthew 16:18

2. About the Text:

1) Jesus is speaking about his identity.

2) Peter tells Jesus what this is.

3) Jesus promises to build the church based upon this foundational confession.

4) Notice the emphasis that Jesus places upon MY church.

5) The gates of hades would not prevail against her.

6) The church is Christ’s kingdom.

3. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: The church is precious because . . .

I.   Jesus thought enough to plan for it and build it.

1. The Holy Spirit was sent to inaugurate it.

1) John 14:16, 17

2) Acts 2:1ff

3) Acts 8

4) Acts 10

2. The keys to the kingdom were given to Peter.

1) In Acts 2: he uses those keys to give the terms of entrance into this kingdom.

2) Acts 2:47 says there were added to the church about 3000 souls.

3) Acts 4:4 says another 5000 were obedient.

4) Acts 5:11 says that these all together were called the church.

3. The seed was left so that the church could continue to grow.

1) Luke 8:11

2) 1 Peter 1:23

II.  Jesus Died and Shed His Blood for the Church

1. Acts 20:28

2. Revelation 5:9

3. 1 Peter 1:18

4. As precious as the blood of Christ is, so also is the church.

III. Jesus Considers the Church to be His Bride

1. Ephesians 5:25-27, 32

2. Revelation 21:1-9, 22:17

3. 2 Corinthians 11:12

4. Romans 7:1-4

5. Is not a man’s most precious relationship that to his wife?

IV.  The Church is the Body of Christ and Jesus is the Head

1. 1 Corinthians 12:12

2. Ephesians 1:22, 23

3. Ephesians 4:15, 16

4. Ephesians 5:23

5. Colossians 1:18

6. Is not a man’s body something about which he shows care and concern? — It is precious to him.


1. The church is precious to Christ because

1) He planned for it and built it.

2) He died and shed his blood for it.

3) The church is His bride whom he loves.

4) The church is His body for which he cares.

2. Invitation

1) If you are a Christian but have fallen away

a. Why have you left what is precious to Christ?

b. Return to being in his precious care.

2) If you are not a Christian this morning . . .

a. Come into the precious relationship of being in the church today.

b. Heed the plan that it has for man’s salvation today!

a) Hear the word; Romans 10:17 “Faith comes by hearing . . .”

b) Believe with all your heart; Hebrews 11:6 “For without faith it is impossible . . . .”

c) Repent of your sins (Acts 17:30).

d) Confess Jesus as the Son of God (Matthew 16:16).

e) Be baptized for the remission of your sins (Mark 16:15,16).