The New Christian, and His Study
Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin ArticlesThe babe in Christ, not accustomed to study but now needing to begin a routine of study, sometimes asks concerning a procedure. We will here make a suggestion or two. For him, and for all, we would strongly suggest (1) DAILY study, and (2) If at all possible, and for the sake of developing a good habit along this line, ABOUT THE SAME TIME DAILY. That is, some have morning time, and others, time in the evening. Whenever, establish a routine that you will keep, and one that will hurt your conscience terribly if you miss it!
We then would suggest that (3), you study WITH PEN IN HAND, and make notes of some other study of words, expressions, verses, etc. that will be needed by you. Then, (4), have some STUDY AIDS available – Bible dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances, etc. that will help you in that further study.
More directly to the point on WHAT to study, and if one has just entered into Christ and is not all that familiar with the Bible, we suggest these, in order:
1. One of the gospel accounts, and we suggest MARK. One can see the Lord, in his word and his work, and gain an appreciation for the sacrifice made for mankind.
2. Next, we recommend a study of ACTS. Here, one can see the establishment of the church, and then the life and work of the church as the apostles carried out the commission given to them.
3. Then, a study of epistles having to do with Christian living, and we suggest PHILIPPIANS, I & II THESSALONIANS, etc. Following that, then I CORINTHIANS, to see how some brethren falter in their service.
Perhaps these thoughts can aid one just now beginning a study program.
The Southwesterner, July 12, 1989