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The Elder – Deacon Relationship

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Elders and Deacons in the Church


1. I have found very little written about this subject

1) Yet this is a very important subject.

2) The well-being of the church depends on this relationship

3) If elders and deacons are unable to work well together:

a. The church suffers

b. Stunted in growth

c. Splits …. divisions

d. Remember ….. Hebrews 13:17

2. There are many misconceptions about this relationship, many of these we will consider as we delve into our study. The lament that so often is heard, as was stated by brother Bill Jackson, is “that the preacher is doing the work of the elders, the elders are doing the work of the deacon, and the deacons are doing nothing at all.”

3. Elders and deacons must be deeply concerned about this relationship, and do everything possible to make it what it ought to be.

4. This relationship must be founded upon three basic principles:

1) A Biblical understanding of each other’s role

2) Good communication

3) Good biblical human relationship principles

5. If these are carried out between the elders and deacons then the church will greatly benefit.

1) It will grow stronger

2) It will be a congregation that is pleasing unto the Lord

6. We should be able to look into the past and note, that when God’s pattern is followed the church grows, harmony exists, and all involved are eager to do the Lord’s work; however, when men overstep their biblical constraints, confusion, problems and apathy toward God’s work will result.


I.   Understanding each others’ role

1. The elders are the shepherds of the flock, not the deacons.

1) Acts 20:28

a. “Bishops” (overseers – KJV) – episkopos – to oversee,to make sure the job is done correctly

b. “Feed” – poimaniw – Lit. to shepherd, this is to be done through biblical principles

2) Hebrews 13:17 …

a. “Rule” – hegeomai – to lead, preside over, govern

b. “Watch” – gregorew – to watch, to be attentive

3) “Take care of the church of God” (1 Tim. 3:5) – epimeleomai – to care for , to make provisions for. The same word is used in Luke 10:34

2. This is just a sampling of verses of the duties of the elders

1) The elders MUST understand their role, and fulfill it

2) The deacons MUST understand the elders’ role, and submit to this role

3. Deacons, on the other hand, are servants

1) “Deacon” comes from diakonos

2) Thayer says is means, “one who executes the commands of another …”

3) A deacon is a willing servant, one who does freely what he is assigned to do

4. Some have falsely assumed that the elders have the oversight over spiritual matters of the church and the deacons have the oversight over the physical matters of the church.

1) The elders have oversight over all pertaining to the church

2) The elders may put one or more deacons in charge of an item, but the elders are still responsible, they still have the oversight.

3) Acts 11:27-30

5. Elders and deacons are on the same team; however, deacons do not have equal authority with elders.

1) Deacons are appointed because there is a service to be rendered.

2) They should not be appointed just to say the church has deacons.

3) Authority is given to the deacons by the eldership, to perform a service or to do a specific work in the church.

4) Deacons have no authority in the governing of the church

5) They only have as much authority as the eldership gives them.

6. Deacons are not junior elders, and do not have an equal voice with the elders

7. They are not to do each others’ work

1) Deacons are (not) to shepherd

2) Elders must delegate

II.  There must be good communication

1. There must be REGULAR meetings between the elders and deacons

1) The amount of meetings would depend on what was going on at the time

2) Wisdom and need should dictate how many meetings need to occur

2. These meetings should take place so that the deacons can report on their area of work

1) Elders should listen attentively

2) Elders should make comments and recommendations that are necessary.

a. The elders should make the deacons feel that they have confidence in them,

b. And that they appreciate their efforts

3) Deacons should come into the meeting prepared

3. Meetings between elders and deacons are also of value so that the elders can get feedback

1) Elders may ask for input

2) Many times deacons are aware of things that the elders do not know as yet

3) Elders should not resent recommendations from the deacons

4) Deacons should not resent their recommendation not being taken

4. A word of warning

1) The elders – deacons meeting is not the proper place for making congregational decisions.

2) Elders should make the final decisions on congregational matters only after they have discussed it among themselves in private

3) Quite often deacons desire to be a part of the decision-making process, but this is not one of their God-given responsibilities, nor are they in a position to make those decisions that are required of the elders.

4) Too, it is wise, that when there is a disagreement among the eldership, that the deacons not be privy to, all the deacons should know is that the elders leave their meetings agreed and in harmony.

5) Elders must accept the responsibility of making decisions that are required of them, as the deacons are to accept the responsibility of gladly carrying out their work.

III. Good BIBLICAL human relationship principles are important

1. Showing proper appreciation

1) Romans 15:14

2) Everyone needs a pat on the back

3) When one knows his service is appreciated, they work harder

2. Show proper control of the tongue

1) Colossians 4:6

2) How something is said is very important for a good relationship

3. Treat the other as you would want to be treated

1) Matthew 7:12

2) Use your heads, do a little thinking

4. Remember that you are not an island

1) Romans 14:7

2) Your actions affect others

5. Avoid prideful attitudes

1) “Pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Proverbs 16:18).

2) Pride has many to hold on to error, pride will not let one say he is wrong

6. Be good Bible students

1) 2 Timothy 2:15

2) We can act no better than we know

7. Act like a Christian in all things


1. It so important for elders and deacons to have a good relationship!

2. The well-being of the local congregation depends on it