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Sermon on True Greatness | Greatness in the Menial

Categories: Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

Sermon on True Greatness


1. Devotion to God often calls us to serve in “thankless” tasks. No one likes to do the lowly tasks. But someone has to:

1) Clean up after the pot luck.

2) Care for the grounds.

3) Clean the restrooms.

4) Wash the baptistery towels.

5) Take out the trash.

6) Sweep, mop or vacuum floors.

2. Many simply will NOT do these things, even those who are not suited for preaching, teaching or leadership.

3. This hour I want to point out some reasons for you to get involved in these menial things.

1) Love for Jesus.

2) To develop greatness.

3) Reward in Heaven


I.   Love For Jesus

1. IN BETHANY – at the home of Simon the leper, Mark 14:1-9. V. 8, “she hath done what she could.”

1) Note her initiative.

2) Note her devotion.


1) Once again – the initiative. They saw a need, something they could do and they did it.

2) Once again – the devotion. Their friend and Lord needed their service.

3. FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT – Service rendered to the brethren is service rendered to Christ. Matt. 25:40. “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.”

II.  Develop Greatness

1. Perhaps we’ve never thought of those who keep the grounds or prepare the communion in terms of greatness. We need to look through Heaven’s eyes.

1) The path of greatness lies through service, Mark 10:43-45.

2) Jesus gave us the example of washing feet, John 13:14-16.

2. Only the humble will be GREAT in God’s Kingdom.

3. The field (of service) is wide open.

III. Reward in Heaven

1. What does the Lord think of those who do what they can? Mark 14:9, “shall be spoken of for a memorial.”

2. Mark 12:41-44. The Lord (creator, preserver, savior) praises the poor widow.

3. But what can we expect in Heaven if we’re faithful, even in the small things?

1) God will not forget, Heb. 6:10.

2) “Well done.” (5 talents, Matt. 25:21), (2 talents, v. 23), impl. that the one talent man would’ve heard the same if faithful.

4. You are responsible for what you have, not for what you don’t have.

1) a cup of cold water, Matt. 10:42; Mark 9:41

2) acc. to that a man hath, 2 Cor. 8:12.

3) if any man minister…, 1 Pet. 4:11

5. …always abounding in the work of the Lord…, 1 Cor. 15:58.


1. Let me exhort you today to think long and hard about the things you are able to do.

2. Let me then encourage you to use those abilities and to use your initiative where appropriate to work for the Lord.

3. Do it out of love and devotion for Jesus. Do it to develop true greatness. Do it knowing your labor is not in vain.