Sermon on The Wise and the Foolish Builders, From Matthew 7:24-27
Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags: Sermons on Obedience
Sermon on the Wise and the Foolish Builders — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the wise and the foolish builders of Matthew 7:24-27.
A. Matthew 7:24-29
1. As “therefore” is used in the beginning phrase, it is certain that the teachings of the Lord in this section are rooted in the preceding passage.
2. In fact, this section is a fitting conclusion to the entire “Sermon on the Mount.”
3. If we do not put this instruction of Jesus (i.e., the Sermon on the Mount) to practice, our spiritual house will fall in this life and come to utter ruin in the world to come.
B. Specifically, though, Matthew 7:24-27 is the conclusion and explanation of Matthew 7:21-23.
1. In these two passages of Scripture, we have contrasted “saying” and doing.”
a. Observe carefully in Matthew 7:22 that “many will say,” which indicates the matter under consideration was only a spoken religion.
b. Jesus said … Matthew 7:20.
c. Christ rejected those involved in this mere “spoken religion,” and said, “depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
d. Since Christ knows us by our “fruits” (Matthew 7:20) and since Christ never knew these spoken of here, it is obvious they didn’t have good fruit – but only “said” they had done these things in the name of Christ or by His authority.
2. Although this point was very clearly set forth by the illustration of the fruit tree (Matthew 7:17-20), our Lord drives home the point by the most bone-chilling words known to man – “I never knew you.”
a. Christ has never known (i.e. accepted) the false teacher, or the one who says and does not.
b. One who does not submit to the Lord’s will in every point has contaminated fruit.
3. With these thoughts in mind, let us turn our attention to our Lord’s chief argument for having a firm foundation as seen in the Parable of the Wise and the Foolish Builders.
DISCUSSION: [ sermon on the wise and the foolish builders ]
A. Everyone is a Builder
1. This truth is represented by the wise and foolish man who each built a house
a. The wise man chose a proper foundation (i.e. doing the will of God) and built an enduring house – the only profitable life.
b. The foolish man labored to build a house upon the sand (this was done in disobedience to God’s word) and his house and labor were lost.
c. Every man will build some type of house.
2. To really appreciate this parable one needs to understand a little about the terrain of Palestine.
a. Palestine is covered with hills and valleys. In winter and early spring, the heavy mountain rains come. This causes peaceful streams to become raging streams and carry everything in its path with it.
b. This leaves a sandy deposit in the low lands. The wise man will not build in the sand, he chooses to build in the higher country where there is solid rock.
3. We are all going to build on a foundation in this life whether we realize it or not.
a. We are going to build on a foundation which we will place our soul’s destiny.
b. The sure foundation of the Lord will stand and all others will crumble.
1) “The foundation of the Lord standeth sure” (2 Timothy 2:19).
2) 1 Tim. 6:19
B. The Wise Builder
1. This wise man built upon a foundation that was founded upon a rock – a firm foundation.
2. Notice what Jesus said was needed to be a “wise man” – hearing and obeying.
3. To build a strong foundation for a house, you must follow the directions found in the blueprints.
a. The blueprints to a foundation are engineered to hold the weight of the structure and keep it stable.
b. If one leaves things out of the foundation it is sure to crumble.
4. For a Christian to build a firm foundation – he must read and follow the blueprints designed by Christ.
5. The key to building a good foundation – a firm foundation is to do the following:
a. Hear
1) Romans 10:17
2) 2 Timothy 2:15
3) No one can know how to build a strong foundation unless one hears and studies the blueprints. We automatically build a weak foundation when we do not know how to build a strong one.
b. Obey
1) Jesus said … “heareth…and doeth them”
2) Matthew 7:21
3) Faithful men of god have always been doers.
a/ In the Patriarchal Age, Abel is a good example … Genesis 4:4.
b/ In the Mosaic Age, King Josiah is a good example … 2 Kings 22:2.
c/ In the Christian Age, Paul is a good example … 2 Timothy 4:7.
4) Obedience has always been the distinguishing mark of a faithful child of God.
c. Build on a rock
1) This rock on which we are to build our foundation is in the Old Testament referred to as Deity.
a/ Deuteronomy 32:4
b/ Isaiah 28:16
c/ 1 Corinthians 10:1-4 gives us a deep glimpse into Who this rock of Deity is.
2) The New Testament pictures Christ as this rock on which we are to build.
a/ Matthew 16:13-18
b/ “The foundation of God stands sure …” (2 Timothy 2:19)
c/ 1 Corinthians 3:11
d/ Ephesians 2:20
3) Christ must be our foundation, and other foundation cannot stand.
4) Finally, in this sermon on the wise and the foolish builders…
C. The Foolish Builder
1. The foolish man has also heard the same truth and has equal intelligence to understand, but his foolishness is shown in that he does not secure that truth by putting it into practice.
a. Luke 8:12 … some hear but the devil takes the word away.
b. 1 Corinthians 15:2 … we must keep God’s word in memory or lose it.
c. James 1:22
2. The foolish man looks for an easy way out.
a. He might say, “It’s easier to work in the sand.”
1) Many do not want to make the needed sacrifice that is required to have a firm foundation.
2) Amos 6:1
b. A firm foundation can only be had by our diligent following and close adherence to the blueprints.
CONCLUSION: [ ending of this sermon on the wise and the foolish builders ]
A. We are all going to build on a foundation:
1. A firm foundation, or
2. A weak foundation.
B. A firm foundation can only be had when we follow the instruction given by Jesus – the Chief Corner Stone.
C. What kind of foundation are you building?
See also: