Sermon on Nehemiah 5 – The Life and Times of Nehemiah #6
Categories: Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon OutlinesINTRODUCTION:
A. Nehemiah bravely, as a wise and faithful governor, stood upon his guard against the attacks of enemies as we noted in the previous lesson.
1. Here we have Nehemiah no less bold and active to deal grievances at home, and, having kept them from being destroyed by their enemies, now to keep them from destroying one another.
2. Illustration:
A boy once asked, “Dad, how do wars begin?” “Well, take the First World War,” said his father. “That got started when Germany invaded Belgium.” Immediately his wife interrupted him: “Tell the boy the truth. It began because somebody was murdered.” The husband drew himself up with an air of superiority and snapped back, “Are you answering the question, or am I?” Turning her back upon him in a huff, the wife walked out of the room and slammed the door as hard as she could. When the dishes stopped rattling in the cupboard, an uneasy silence followed, broken at length by the son when he said, “Daddy, you don’t have to tell me any more how wars get started; I know now!”
B. In this lesson we will notice:
1. The complaint which the poor made to Nehemiah of the great hardships which their rich brethren put upon them (vs.1-5).
2. The effective course which Nehemiah took both to reform the oppressors and to relieve the oppressed (vs. 6-13).
3. The good example of compassion and tenderness which Nehemiah set for his brethren (vs. 14-19).
1. Nehemiah 5:1-5
2. We have here the tears of the oppressed, which Solomon also considered:
a. Ecclesiastes 4:1
b. The Psalmist writes … Psalm 82:4
3. Hard times and hard hearts had made the poor miserable
a. They were choked by poverty and oppressed.
b. Family sizes were increasing, but food production was not
c. They had to mortgage their land and houses to buy food
d. Poverty was robbing them of their own flesh and blood -they were having to sell their children into slavery due to unpaid bills
e. This was a very heart-rending cry that came to the sympathetic ears of Nehemiah
4. Thus, the work of God was being hindered by their own brethren – who held their mortgages and children as slaves.
5. It is sad that, even today, the Lord’s work is hindered constantly by our own brethren in the church
a. This is done through false teaching
1) False teachers are not serving God … Galatians 1:6-10
2) False teachers lead men astray … Jeremiah 50:6
3) False teachers destroy homes … Titus 1:10-11
b. This is also done by sowing discord
1) Galatians 5:15
2) Genesis 13:7-9 … this strife caused a separation
3) 1 Corinthians 3:1-3
c. This is done by not following the “Golden Rule”
1) Matthew 7:21
2) When this rule is not followed the Lord’s work is hindered
1. Nehemiah 5:6-11
2. When Nehemiah heard the cry of his brethren:
a. He was very angry (v. 6)
1) Nehemiah expressed a great displeasure at it, as a very bad thing.
2) Note, It well becomes rulers to show themselves angry at sin, that by the anger itself they may be excited to their duty, and by the expressions of it others may be deterred from evil.
b. He consulted with himself (v. 7)
1) By this it appears that his anger was not excessive, but kept within bounds, that, though his spirit was provoked, he did not say or do any thing unadvisedly. Before he rebuked the nobles, he consulted with himself what to say, and when, and how.
2) Note, Reproofs must be given with great consideration, so that we accomplish what we mean to – spiritual improvement. Even wise men lose the benefit of their wisdom sometimes if they are not careful to consult with themselves.
c. Nehemiah took action.
1) Nehemiah confronted the problem –
2) Deuteronomy 23:19-20
3) They were told – point blank – they were wrong in what they were doing to their brethren, and that they needed to abide by God’s commands (v. 9)
4) They were also told how to remedy the problem – what needed to be done to make it right (vs. 10-11)
3. Notice the result of standing for right:
a. Nehemiah 5:12-13
b. They stopped their transgression and made things right
4. Today when we are confronted with trouble, we need to handle them like Nehemiah:
a. Be angered to action
b. Consider the best way to handle a situation – do not fly off the handle
c. Handle the problem “head-on” using God word as your authority and guide
1. Nehemiah 5:14-19
2. Nehemiah had mentioned his own practice, as an inducement to the nobles not to burden the poor. He relates more particularly what his practice was, not in pride or vain- glory, nor to pass a compliment upon himself, but as an inducement both to his successors and to the magistrates to be tender-hearted
a. Nehemiah sets forth a wonderful example of how to treat brethren.
b. Here is clearly manifested a wonderful example of self- sacrifice for his brethren
3. Our good example very important if the work of the Lord is to be successful in our local congregations
a. Matthew 5:16
b. 2 Corinthians 3:2
A. In accomplishing the work of the Lord we must follow the example of Nehemiah:
1. Angered to action
2. Planned his action
3. Went through with his action
4. Set a good example
B. Invitation