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Love Lessons from the Life of Ruth

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TITLE: Love Lessons from the Life of Ruth

PROPOSITION: We see in Ruth’s love 1) Dedication, 2) Devotion, 3) Determination.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to tell the story of Ruth and understand what it means to be dedicated, devoted, and determined.

AIM: To exemplify the concept of love in action.


1. Read: Ruth 1:15-18

2. About the Text:

1) The book of Ruth begins with the story of Elimelech, Naomi and her sons leaving Bethlehem and going to Moab for food.

2) While there, the sons marry and Naomi gains two daughters-in-law, Ruth and Orpah.

3) We don’t know how old Ruth was, but we know that women married young in those days (early teens).

4) Within a period of about 10 years that they were there, Naomi loses her husband and her sons to death.

5) When Naomi learns that Israel has bread again, she returns to Bethlehem.

6) Naomi entreats the daughters-in-law to go back to their people, but Ruth does not.

7) Ruth was likely in her twenties when her husband died and she made this decision to be with Naomi.

3. The book of Ruth is a love story.

1) It tells of a young woman who gave up her people, religion, and very life to care for another.

2) In turn, she ended up being the one cared for.

3) The name Ruth means friendship.

4. Ref. to S, T, P, O, and A.

DISCUSSION: We see in Ruth’s love …


1. Ruth dedicated herself to Naomi – Read Ruth 1:6-18

1) She made a choice.

a. Orpah went back to her people.

b. Ruth chose to go with Naomi.

2) She didn’t seek personal gain in her choice.

a. Naomi had no more sons for her to marry.

b. As far as Ruth knew, she was going back to Israel to die as a widow.

3) She gave up her own personal comforts for this choice.

a. She abandoned the gods of her people.

b. Ruth chose to make Naomi’s God her God.

2. Does our love show true dedication today?

1) Do we recognize the choice that we have made to follow God?

a. Luke 9:62 – Only fit to follow if we’ve committed all.

b. Heb. 10:38 – God has no pleasure in those that “draw back.”

c. Ruth made a lasting choice with real consequences.

2) Do we follow God merely from the perspective of seeking personal gain?

a. Some follow God to make their families happy (Mom, Dad, Husband, Wife, etc.)

b. Some follow God because society expects it of them (politicians, etc.)

c. 1 Tim. 6:5 condemns those who think godliness is a way of personal gain.

d. Ruth expected no favors from Naomi in return.

3) Are we willing to give up our personal comforts in order to do God’s will?

a. Many give lip-service to God, but don’t make real sacrifices.

b. These proclaim love for God until it inconveniences them.

c. Rather we should have Paul’s attitude: Phil. 3:7-8

d. Ruth gave up these things up.

3. Ruth’s love shows us true dedication.


1. Ruth devoted herself to Naomi – Read Ruth 2:11, 12

1) She worked in order to feed Naomi.

a. She went to the fields, gleaned the grain, and beat it out.

b. Text says she came home with an ephah of barley – 5 gallons.

c. For one person to get that much “flour” in a day is a lot of work.

2) She cared for helpless Naomi in her age.

a. We don’t know how old Naomi was.

b. She was old enough to have two grown sons who were married for 10 years.

c. She was old enough to need support from others.

3) She was even willing to marry a virtual stranger to accomplish this goal.

a. Such devotion exhibits great trust in others.

b. Such devotion demonstrates true self sacrifice.

2. Does our love show true devotion today?

1) Do we understand the value of labor for those we love?

a. 1 Timothy 5:8 – worse than an infidel.

b. Eph.4:28 – labor to give to those in need.

2) Do we understand our need to care for the helpless?

a. James 1:27 – Pure religion.

b. Matthew 25:33ff – The saved cared for the helpless.

3) Would we be willing to sacrifice our life for another?

a. That is, not die, but give up our life to serve someone else?

b. Matthew 16:24-26 – Lose his life.

3. Ruth’s love shows us true devotion.


1. Ruth determined …

1) To go with Naomi. Read Ruth 1:18

2) To work for Naomi. Ruth 2:2

a. This was a hostile time for single women.

b. Men often took advantage of women in Ruth’s situation.

c. It would have been “understandable” if she didn’t want to go do the work.

d. But she went.

3) To marry Boaz to support Naomi – Ruth 3:5

a. The law of Israel had a provision for marriage if no male child was in the family.

b. It was the law of the near-kinsman.

c. This entailed marriage.

d. So Ruth followed the customs of the day to initiate courtship with Boaz under this law.

e. How many of you girls would let your mother pick out your husband?

4) Nothing could stop her from these tasks.

2. Does our love show true determination today?

1) Are we determined to “go” when the Lord tells us to go?

a. Mark 16:15-16 – go into all the world

b. Luke 14:21ff – highways and byways

2) Do we “work” when the Lord tells us to work?

a. John 9:4 – the night is coming

b. Galatians 6:10 – as we have opportunity

3) Is there anything that can stop us from doing God’s will today?

a. Nothing external can – Romans 8:31ff

b. We are the only ones who can stop us.

c. As one said, “I have seen the enemy and the enemy is us.”

3. Ruth’s love showed true determination.


1. Ruth’s love showed true …

1) Dedication

2) Devotion

3) Determination

2. Invitation