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Biographical Sermon Outlines

Biographical Sermon Outlines | Free Biographical Sermons

Lessons from the Life of Adam and Eve – Sermon on Adam and Eve

SUBJECT: Biography

TITLE: Lessons from the Life of Adam and Eve

PROPOSITION: In this study we will observe some lessons from the life of Adam and Eve. 1) God is our creator. 2) God’s commands are for our benefit. 3) Satan is our enemy. 4) Sin separates man from God.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to apply these lessons from the account of Adam and Eve in Genesis 1-3.

AIM: To review the first three chapters of the Bible specifically as applies to man and to learn not to repeat the mistakes that were made by Adam and Eve.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Lessons from the Life of Joshua

Sermon on Joshua Date written: January 4th, 2004 Scripture ref: Joshua 1:1-9 SUBJECT: Biography TITLE: Lessons from the Life of Joshua PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will briefly note four events in the life of Joshua and draw some lessons from those events. We will notice how Joshua’s growth in service to God transformed him […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Esther – Lessons from the Life of Esther

SUBJECT: Biography

TITLE: Lessons from the Life of Esther

PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will note several lessons from the book of Esther.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to tell the story of Esther and explain how God cares for His people.

AIM: To help all understand that God cares for His people and provides for them in His own way.


1. Read: Esther 2:5-9

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

I Am The Good Shepherd Sermon


TITLE: “I am the Good Shepherd”

PROPOSITION: The Good Shepherd cares for the sheep by 1) Warning them concerning dangers to the flock, 2) Guarding the entrance and exit to the fold, and 3) Laying down His life for the sheep.

OBJECTIVES: Each listener should be able to state how the Good Shepherd warns concerning dangers to the flock, guards the entrance and exit to the fold, and lays down His life for the sheep.

AIM: To emphasize our constant need to be vigilant against the enemy by following the Good Shepherd.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Elijah – 3 Unforgettable Lessons from Elijah

Sermon on Elijah – Sermon outline on 3 lessons from Elijah the prophet from the Old Testament. From 1 Kings 17:1-7 Date written: October 24th, 2004 Scripture ref: 1 Kings 17:1-7 SUBJECT: Biography TITLE: Sermon on Elijah – 3 Unforgettable Lessons from Elijah PROPOSITION: We will note three lessons from Elijah’s life: 1) God provides […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Judas Iscariot | Priceless Lessons from Judas

SUBJECT: Apostasy, Biography

TITLE: Lessons from the Life of Judas

PROPOSITION: To look at the life of Judas as we know it. He was 1) An apostle. 2) A betrayer. 3) Regretful.

Objectives: That each would be familiar with the life of Judas and the mistakes he made.

Aim: That we understand what the Bible says about Judas.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Noah | Lessons From the Life of Noah

PROPOSITION: This life of Noah sermon shows that Noah’s salvation mirrors our own salvation today in that Noah was saved 1) By Grace, 2) By Faith, 3) By Obedience, 4) From Destruction.

OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to explain how Noah was saved.

AIM: All should understand that God worked in the days of Noah just as he does today. God’s principles are the save though his methods are different.


1. Read: Genesis 6:8-10

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

The Conversion of Saul


1. The conversion of Saul is given a great deal of space in the New Testament. This speaks to its importance.

1) It shows us what conversion really means. How far do I go?

2) It shows us that God is no respecter of persons in conversion. An apostle had to trust and obey just like you.

3) It shows us that the proper response when one had sinned gravely is submission and not bemoaning that one has sinned too greatly to be saved.

4) It introduces us to the man through whom we would be given so much of the New Testament.

2. This cannot be a study of the life of Paul but must be limited to a study of the conversion of Saul.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Sin Is Crouching At Your Door | The Sin of Cain


TEXT:   GENESIS 4:1-16

THESIS: The purpose of this sermon is to note Cain’s negative example and to take warning from it.

INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 4:1-16.

1. Cain committed two horrible crimes.

1) He changed God’s worship to suit himself.

2) He killed his brother, Abel.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags: ,

Conversion Accounts – Saul of Tarsus

SUBJECT: Conversion

TITLE: Conversion Accounts – Saul of Tarsus

PROPOSITION: In the conversion of Saul we see 1) Selective Confrontation, 2) Sincere Contrition, 3) Serious Concern, and 4) Scandalous Conversion.

OBJECTIVE: To study and understand the conversion of Saul so that we may explain it to others.

Aim: That each would understand how Saul’s conversion serves as a model for everyone’s conversion.


1. Read: Acts 9:1-9

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines, Textual Sermon Outlines Tags: , ,

Love Lessons from the Life of Ruth


TITLE: Love Lessons from the Life of Ruth

PROPOSITION: We see in Ruth’s love 1) Dedication, 2) Devotion, 3) Determination.

OBJECTIVES: Each should be able to tell the story of Ruth and understand what it means to be dedicated, devoted, and determined.

AIM: To exemplify the concept of love in action.


1. Read: Ruth 1:15-18

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Noah – Life of Noah

Sermon on Noah – Biographical sermon outline on the godly life of Noah with emphasis on living righteously in an evil world. By Tom Moore.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Abraham – Great Lessons From the Life of Abraham

Sermon on Abraham – Sermon outline from the book of Genesis. Tom Moore points out the great spiritual lessons from a great spiritual man.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Samuel – Lessons from the Life of Samuel

Sermon on Samuel – Sermon outline on the life of Samuel, taking lessons from his life.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Sermon on Jacob | Lessons from the Life of Jacob

Sermon on Jacob – Tom Moore examines the life of Jacob in this sermon outlines and draws lessons for us in the 21st century.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Expository Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on King Solomon | Lessons from the Life of King Solomon

PROPOSITION: Sermon on King Solomon | We learn from the life of King Solomon, 1) In all your getting, get wisdom, 2) Earthly things cannot satisfy, 3) Marriage is important, but God always comes first.

Objectives: Each should understand more about the life of Solomon and the lessons we learn from that life.

Aim: To exhort each listener to learn from Solomon’s successes and failures.

INTRODUCTION: As we begin this sermon on King Solomon:

1. Read: 1 Kings 3:5-15

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines

Who Is Jesus?

SUBJECT: Jesus TITLE: Who Is Jesus? PROPOSITION: In this lesson we will answer the question, “Who is Jesus?” Jesus is the one who makes known God. He makes known God by being 1) The Teacher of truth, 2) The Warner of danger, and 3) The Forgiver of sins. OBJECTIVES: Each person should be able to […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines, Topical Sermon Outlines

The Call of Abraham

Sermon on Abraham INTRODUCTION: Read Genesis 12:1-9 A. The Lord called Abram to leave his homeland for the promise of a new land. B. Abram was to begin a new nation which would result in blessing for the world. C. The Gentile people, though, were steadfastly working to get as far away from God as […]

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

1 Kings 13 Sermon – Shameful Disobedience of a Young Prophet


A. Shortly after the death of Solomon the kingdom of Israel was divided

1. Jeroboam … Israel

2. Rehoboam … Judah

a. Followed bad advice

b. Partly responsible for the division

B. Jeroboam institutes false worship

1. 1 Kings 12:25-30

2. He wanted the people to forget Jerusalem

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines Tags:

Sermon on Lot – When Sodom Lived in Lot’s Family

Sermon on Lot — Sermon outline by Tom Moore on the effect of Lot’s choice to live in Sodom.

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Categories: Biographical Sermon Outlines, Sermon Outlines