Barbs …. With A Point
Categories: Church of Christ Bulletin ArticlesThe following barbs of wisdom come from The Sword and Staff publication, 2010, Volume 48, Number 3; pg. 13 (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):
- If something is right, it is right, and if it is wrong, it is wrong; and no amount of rationalizing, wishing or even praying can change it.
- Life is not always fair because people don’t play by the rules.
- Problems that are not dealt with do not go away, but only become bigger and more complex with the passing of time (cf. Matthew 26:14-16; Matthew 27:3-5; Acts 1:15-18).
- If we fail to count the cost now, we may find ourselves shortchanged in eternity.
- To be high-minded is not to have the mind of Christ (Philippians 2:5-8).
- When something is wrong, you don’t correct the situation by continuing in it (Romans 6:1-2).
- If we lift ourselves up in pride, we cannot reach up to God; but if we humble ourselves in lowliness, He will reach down to us (James 4:10; 1 Peter 5:6).
- When all of the “old heads” have passed away, where will the church be headed?
- The best sermon illustration is one that can be seen in the life of the one doing the speaking.
- Many people today know a little about everything, but not much about anything.
- Much of so-called “worship” in modern churches, is nothing more than entertainment with the accompanying applause and clapping of hands.
- People who talk about others to you will talk about you to others (Proverbs 11:13; Proverbs 20:19).
- The amount that we should give, is not determined by how much we give, but by how much we have left over after we give (Luke 21:1-4).
- The person who will not forgive others, burns the bridge over which he himself must cross (Matthew 6:14-15).
- Part of wisdom is knowing that you are not wise; and the more you know, the more you know just how little you really do know (Romans 1:22; cf. Jeremiah 10:14-15).
- A long life lived without God, only extends a bad experience that ends in hopelessness (Ephesians 2:11-12).
- I exclaimed, “Why doesn’t somebody do something?!” Then I realized that I was somebody.
- We don’t have the picture until we get the big picture of all the corresponding components in a given situation (cf. Psalm 139:17).
- Man devalues himself when he gauges his value system to material things (Luke 12:15; 1 Timothy 6:6-7).
- If you are not an honest person, you have destroyed the very foundation upon which all virtue and character rests (Romans 12:17 KJV; 2 Corinthians 8:21 KJV; Philippians 4:8 KJV).
- To drown your problems with strong drink, is only to multiply and accent them (cf. Proverbs 20:1; Proverbs 23:29-35).