Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

The Blessings Of Hospitality

In Acts 16:14-15, we read about the conversion of Lydia and her household. It’s interesting to note that she had a godly character which included caring and hospitality. As

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Who Are We A Companion Of?

George Washington once stated, “Associate yourself with men of good quality if you esteem your own reputation for ’tis better to be alone than in bad company.” (see rule #56).

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Finding The Missing Link

At one time, tennis great Boris Becker was at the very top of the tennis world, and yet at the same time, he was on the brink of suicide. He once stated, “I had won Wimbledon twice before, once as the youngest player. I was rich. I had all the material possessions I needed. I […]

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Every Scar Tells A Story

Almost everyone has at least one scar somewhere on their body, and some folks have multiple scars. Every scar tells a story. For example, I have about a three inch scar on the inside of my thigh

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The Phrase “Fill Up Their Sins” — A Question

A querist asks, “In 1 Thessalonians 2:10-16, Paul is talking about the disobedient Jews of that day and time, who were always stirring up the people in opposition to the apostles’ teaching of the gospel. In 1 Thessalonians 2:16, Paul says that those persecuting Jews are speaking against the Gentile brethren “to fill up the […]

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Fighting Against God

The noted Jewish teacher, Gamaliel, warned the Sanhedrin council to be careful concerning their treatment of the apostles of the Lord (Acts 5:39). We read the same idea in the Old Testament (2 Chronicles 13:12). Truly, there is no power but of God (Romans 13:1), and “He ruleth by his power forever” (Psalm 66:7 KJV). […]

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On The Best Laid Schemes

Robert Burns, the Scottish poet, once penned the now-familiar saying, “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft agley.” In today’s English, we would simply say that our best laid plans, “often go awry.” Mr. Burns correctly observed that the things we plan, don’t always turn out the “way” we plan. Regarding any […]

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Reducing Life’s Stresses

Regarding the stresses in our life, the apostle Paul stated in Philippians 4:6 (Kenneth E. Wuest – Expanded Translation): “Stop worrying about even one thing, but in everything by prayer whose essence is that of worship and devotion and by supplication which is a cry for your personal needs, with thanksgiving let your requests for […]

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I knelt to pray when day was done And prayed, O Lord, bless everyone, Lift from each saddened heart the pain And let the sick be well again.

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“Honor Your Father And Your Mother”

The “first commandment with promise” is to “Honor your father and your mother” (Exodus 20:12; cf. Ephesians 6:2). While this promise was physical in nature, there can be no doubt that many will miss heaven because of their narrow selfish hearts shutting out feeble and needy parents. True followers of Christ will truly “honor” their […]

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The Blessings Of Bible Study

Few spiritual blessings are realized in such an immediate way as the blessing one receives from a study of the Bible. The Psalmist pronounced a blessing upon the man whose “delight is in the law of the Lord; and in his law doth he meditate day and night” (Psalm 1:2 KJV). A special blessing is […]

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Jesus Did Not Die On The Cross To Make It Possible For Members Of His Church To:

Sleep in on Sunday and miss Bible study and worship. Stay at home when we have out of town guests. Attend sporting or social event during the week and regularly neglect Bible study and worship. Talk to people about politics and not about the value of their soul. Wear themselves out working all day and […]

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Does Extraterrestrial Life Exist?

The Bible is silent concerning the existence of extraterrestrial life. Rather, it focuses on the earth as the only planet that contains any form of life. Since the Bible declares itself to be authoritative (2 Timothy 3:16), let us examine the following authoritative evidence to see if this is so (Acts 17:11): 1) In Genesis […]

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Grandma’s Wisdom

There was once a little boy who told  his Grandma how everything was going wrong in his life such as his grades in school, his problems with friends, his mom and dad’s health

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What Do We Read?

The following poem from an unknown author, is designed to help us think about what kind of written material we read

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Supporting Missionary Efforts

While we fully understand the difficult economic times we find ourselves in here in the United States, we also

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The “Baskin-Robbins” Days Of Preaching

I once heard of a preacher who was asked, “What kind of a preacher are you?” He replied, “A good one!” I dare say that the person asking the question did not expect such an answer. The only drawback to such a reply is that different people have different standards of good preaching. One preacher, […]

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Are You Approved?

I have become convinced that fewer of us study scripture as we should. Perhaps a few verses here and there. We love Psalms, because it speaks to our hearts. We read the New Testament centered on the Gospel. We also know the basics of the life of Jesus from his birth to his death and […]

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The 3 R’s And Sin

The following article was written by our former preacher, Brother Dan Gibson, who now resides in Conroe, Texas along with his faithful wife, Joy. His article encourages us to make wise decisions based upon God’s inspired word:

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The God Of Order And Power

The predicted return of Halley’s Comet to our inner solar system in 2061, proves the orderliness of the universe. If there were no fixed set of laws governing the movement of all the celestial bodies in the universe, such predictions would be virtually impossible to make. We can also look at the orderly orbits of […]

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