Mike Riley Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

God's Navigational System

In the book of Isaiah, we read of the nation of Israel badly needing a reliable Global Positioning System (GPS) so they would know which direction they were going (cf. Isaiah 1:1-15). God wanted to be their

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The Hens Come Home To Roost

The following poem is a reminder for each of us to be aware of “what” words we use and “how” we use them. They just might come back to haunt us (Matthew 12:34-37; cf. Psalm 32:9; Psalm 39:1; Proverbs 13:3; Proverbs 21:23).

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A Look At Spiritual Malpractice

When we think of malpractice, we immediately think of a physician’s dereliction of duty with regard to the practice

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The Church Before Pentecost – In Prophecy (3)

7) Prophecies implying establishment of the church – There are a number of prophecies concerning the Messiah, heaven’s King, which, though there is no actual

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Cowboy Poem

From his blog, Brother Chris McCurley, preacher for the Oldlam Lane congregation in Abilene, Texas, posted the following cowboy poem. It emphasizes our need for daily prayer (Daniel 6:10; cf. Psalm 55:17; Luke 18:1; Romans 12:12; Ephesians 6:18; Colossians 4:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17) — not praying just when we get in trouble:

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Exhibiting Wise Behavior

In 1 Samuel 18:5; 1 Samuel 18:14-15 and 1 Samuel 18:30, the writer tells us that David “behaved wisely.” In fact, he behaved “more wisely than all the servants of Saul, so that his name became highly esteemed” (1 Samuel 18:30).

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Every Drop Counts!

A few years back, a major city was blanketed with posters showing a single drop of water splashing into a pool. Each poster bore the words, “This City Is Against Corruption.” The message was clear — integrity or dishonesty permeates a city one person at a time. It’s sometimes easy to compromise in little things, because they […]

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“Lord, Prop Us Up On Our Leanin' Side”

The following story by an unknown author is one that illustrates our need as Christians to lean upon the Lord for strength in helping us get through the difficult times of life:

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The Necessity Of Baptism Using One Scripture

If someone were to ask us to prove the necessity of baptism using only one Scripture, could we do it? Let us see if Acts 22:16 can fill the bill.

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God Is Good!

Brother David P. Stevens, preacher for the Groveport church of Christ in Groveport, Ohio, has written an insightful article entitled, “God Is Good!” His Bible-based article emphasizes God’s caring provision for the nation of Israel during their 40 years of wilderness wanderings — an amazing feat!

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Let's Spend Some Time In Conference With God!

The president of a large manufacturing company wanted to talk to the plant manager about an urgent matter. But the manager’s secretary

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A Heartfelt Desire To Worship The Lord

The author of Psalm 84 (one of the sons of Korah) had an undying love to worship in God’s house. Some commentators have speculated that for a time, this temple singer was unable

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The One New Testament Church

In 1 Corinthians 1:10 the apostle Paul makes the following plea: “Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that ye be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment.” […]

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Some Reflections On Sixty-Nine Years

As I observed my birthday yesterday, March 12th, the following are some reflections on the sixty-nine years that God has granted me on this terrestrial ball called earth (Acts 17:24-26; cf. Isaiah 42:5). I’ve learned: 1) To stay out of other people’s business (1 Thessalonians 4:11).

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Could Jesus Have Really Sinned If He Is God?

A querist asks, “Regarding the temptation of Christ in Matthew 4:1-10, was Jesus really tempted since He is Deity? Sin is separation from God, so could Jesus have really sinned if He is God?

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Guidance From Above — A Promise

The Global Positioning System (GPS) is changing the way we work, travel, and play. Using the signals from multiple satellites, an inexpensive GPS receiver can compute our

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On Being A Role Model

An anonymous author once made this true statement, “We cannot live our lives alone, for other lives we touch, are either strengthened by our own, or weakened just as much.“

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Shade Or Fruit Tree?

When an apple tree begins to run to wood and leaves instead of fruit, the farmer severely crops it. Almost always, the tree begins to bear fruit. It is equally true that people whose lives seem to be purposeless, may direct their energies toward more purposeful living once they have been wounded or hurt in […]

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On Brief Sermons And Watching The Clock

The following article by Brother Frank Chesser, is taken “From Truth,” Dallas Avenue Church of Christ, Lancaster Texas, December 3, 1995, Guardian of Truth XL: 9 p. 11, May 2, 1996:

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Proverbially Speaking

From the 2008, volume 46, number 2 edition of The Sword and Staff Publication, pg. 2, comes the following proverbs of wisdom (appropriate Scriptures and related articles have been added):

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