Bill Jackson Sermon Outlines, Articles, Lessons, etc.

“Admonish Him as a Brother”

In the instruction on withdrawing from a disorderly member of the church, found in 2 Thessalonians 3:6-15, the words are clear: The member has been disorderly (vv. 6, 10-11), and is now to be noted and association with him withheld (v. 14). Paul then adds, “Yet count him not as an enemy, but admonish him […]

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Crossroads/Boston Movement and the Home Study

The last time a saw a count mentioned, something near 175 was the total number of congregations adversely affected by the Crossroads/Boston movements. This represents the congregations wherein there was opposition expressed continual confrontation and sometimes an actual split. How many others have simply moved into the Crossroads/Boston camp! Many have been the articles written, […]

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On Local Church Membership

We must give attention to this topic from time to time simply because members of the church often indicate they do not know anything about the responsibilities of local church membership. We have noted, though, that there’s usually no problem with their understanding their responsibilities regarding a union, a garden club, a civic club, etc. […]

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A Warning From Judges 2:10 – In One Generation’s Time

Some very wise men in the kingdom have been known to state that we are always just one generation from apostasy. In seeing the growth of harmful trends in these last several years, we’re convinced that a full generation is not needed! But let us focus on what can occur in one generation’s time, and […]

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Are We Losing All Spiritual Discernment?

Man is to live by every word proceeding out of the mouth of God (Matthew 4:4). Peter said this: “As newborn babes, desire the sincere milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby” (1 Peter 2:2). We know, then, how spiritual growth comes. And we have lived to see many, many religious people who […]

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Wonder If God Knows He Has Only One More Chance?

A recent book announcement tells of the turmoil in one of the prominent religious denominations of our time. The struggle in that denomination reaches across the parties that are considered fundamental, moderate, liberal and ultra-liberal. The conventions have been meetings of warring parties whose agenda has resulted in more and more internal warfare. The advertised […]

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Is There Hope?

The history of men and nations shows us that things spiritually and morally swing to the extremes. In the Bible, we see it in the history of Israel, and we’ve seen it in church history now for nearly 2,000 years. There are periods when people are spiritually inclined, and periods when they are spiritually and […]

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Still The Most Critical Problem!

The question is often asked, “What is the most critical problem facing the church today?” The answers are varied, and often given in keeping with that particular man’s interest and concern, and for all the answers, all of them play a part in today’s time of discontent, unrest, and turmoil. And, when we state that […]

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Is It “Taking It Out Of Context”?

A few days ago some publicity was given to a gentleman in our area who was posting religious messages on a well-traveled highway, but on property owned by his religious group – and with their consent. The point of the article was that his messages were resented by much of the populace, and this was […]

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Bless the Congregational Lectureships

We acknowledge the passing of time in noting that one day, some will be writing a history of the church of our day, and they’ll be looking back into “old history.” When that “old history” is written, focusing on the church of our time, surely there will be a great deal of praise for the […]

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Judging on the Matter of Who Doesn’t Love

In most areas wherein another’s love is considered, it is a most difficult task to make judgment as to just who doesn’t love. It is not difficult to judge when one doesn’t love the truth, or the church, etc. One who spurns or perverts truth plainly doesn’t love it (2 Thessalonians 2:10), for love of […]

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“I Sleep Nights”

Christians have the “peace that passeth understanding” to keep their minds and hearts in the Lord (Philippians 4:7). When we’ve written all, and said all, on the subject, the fact remains that we are privileged to have that which the world does not have, and cannot have, while remaining “the world.” A good point was […]

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The Moscow Fair and Mrs. O’Hair

An item carried by the Los Angeles Times Service, and repeated in The Austin American-Statesman (Sept. 16, 1989, p.A18) is of considerable interest to us. It attracted attention locally because Austin is the headquarters of Mrs. Madalyn Murray O’Hair’s atheistic activities. The item called our attention to the Moscow International Book Fair, and the fact […]

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Premillennialism Remains a Threat!

It is true that most of the non-Catholic religious world is premillennial in its teaching. Even those who are not familiar with the word are nevertheless involved in premillennialism’s teaching, influence and support. It has, of course, to do with the reign of Christ, and the fact that Jesus, by their teaching, is to return […]

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She Called His Hand!

Brother Burt Isom, now departed, was a friend of mine, and I have held several meetings in Hazelhurst, Mississippi while he was the preacher there. In fact, he was supported there as a missionary by the congregation where I worked, and hence the mission meetings were arranged. I have long appreciated the point Burt made […]

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The New Christian, and His Study

The babe in Christ, not accustomed to study but now needing to begin a routine of study, sometimes asks concerning a procedure. We will here make a suggestion or two. For him, and for all, we would strongly suggest (1) DAILY study, and (2) If at all possible, and for the sake of developing a […]

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The Body — The Glorious Church

To the Ephesians, Paul said that “…Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; that he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be […]

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Lost – While Preaching the Truth!

The apostle Paul described the preaching pleasing unto God as being the “manifestation of the truth” (2 Corinthians 4:2). The charge is that those who proclaim the Word of the Lord “preach the Word!” (2 Timothy 4:2). Jesus’ own statement regarding the Word, in His prayer to the Father, was that “Thy word is truth” […]

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What Creates God’s People? “Common Heritage” or Obedience to the Word?

In moves designed to intermingle us with the Christian Church, many of our own brethren are using the term “our common heritage” to pave the way. Their reasoning seems to be, “if we have a common heritage, we should be together.” There’s no denying the fact that we should be together; in fact, all who […]

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Why Do Some Of Our Missionaries Return So Very Weakened In Doctrine?

We wish we knew! It is a modern-day phenomenon, but not just confined to our time. Some generations ago, one of the first missionaries to South America turned out to be the best-known and highest-ranking Pentecostal preacher in his land. Not two weeks ago we heard from an American brother in Korea, and his words […]

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